Chapter III: The Assassin's Downfall

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After a while Hannai started to walk towards the burnt village.

Mirrai: Hey Hannai? Can you hear me?

Hannai: huh? How can i-

Mirrai: Our consciousness is connected right? So you can hear my voice as I can hear yours. Others ofcourse, can't hear whoever is in your consciousness. I can also see through your eyes.

Hannai: I see... By the way Mirrai, what's that simpol you had on your earnings?

Mirrai: This is our clan's simpol. Why you do you ask?

Hannai: Ow, that explains why the symbol is on my ring. But, why on my sword as well?

Hannai: It was my father's gift for my birthday.

Mirrai: Now that you mention it, what's your father's last name?

Hannai: I actually don't know. He never told me before. He just told me that my last name was hagekura. I guess its same as mine?

Mirrai: There is a possibility that, he is not from the Royal family.

Hannai: How so?

Mirrai: Only the royal family members have the last name hagekura, so your father not telling you his last name is a bit suspicious don't you think?

Mirrai: Well, there is no way to know for sure anyway, he's always was secretive, this is nothing new to me.

Mirrai: I guess you are right.

Hannai: Question, about this soul exchange thing, how does it work?

Mirrai: Hmmm... since our souls are connected to an object and yours is the glasses, maybe.... try to remove them?

Hannai: Alright let's try it.

Then Hannai removed her glasses and...
Just as i thought, her eyes turned red.
But that wasn't Hannai's eyes, they where her's.

Mirrai: It worked! Hannai you can hear me right?

Mirrai: Hannai?

Hannai: Yes, I can I'm just a bit awestruck, this is the place we were before right?

Mirrai: Yeap, your consciousness. Every time you remove your glasses and I take over you get transported here. Same goes with me when you have them on.

Hannai: I see, I can also see through your eyes rather my eyes? This is a bit confusing...
Mirrai: I know however, you seem to handle it well, im surprised!

Hannai: It is a lot but I was told I had anemo powers and can make my sword appear and disappear on command, so supernatural things don't really surprise me.

Mirrai: Well, I guess that's ture.

Mirrai: Alright then, let's test your abilities..
With that she started to run really fast while doing some fighting moves and acrobatics.

Mirrai: Pant* not bad pant* but you'll need to handle way more than that.

Mirrai: My body was hardly tired whatever I did. But it's ok, I can train you to last way longer, it will take time though...

Hannai: Hey Mirrai?

Mirrai: Yes?

Hannai: Your body... was that skeleton?
Marrai went silent for a second.

Mirrai: Yes... I had to store my soul inside the necklace in order to survive, so my body basically died.

Hannai: If that' ok with you.... can what happened to you?
Mirrai took a beep breath and then she spoke.

Mirrai: Well.. it's a long story... for starters, I'm the daughter of the chief and the chieftess. My father, Shinen Hagekura, was the anemo chosen one, so I knew that I would be the next chosen one. At least that's what I thought. Because of this, I was trained beyond human limits. But, on my 18th birthday, the day I was supposed to inherit the anemo ring, all hell broke lose.. I woke up to screams and explosions immediately, i ran outside to see all the village in pure destruction.

But it wasn't another clan attacking us, it wasn't someone i didn't know, it was our own people, soldiers of my clan were attacking everyone. I didn't know what to do in this situation, I wasn't trained for this, so I ran to my house to look for my parents. However, I wasn't prepared for what i was about to see.. and I'll never forget it... My m-mother laying on the ground... and my father, was next to her, his sword in hand full of blood.

H-he killed her... He tried to say something to me but I didn't listen. I just ran out of the house. The moment I went outside however, more than 100 soldiers started to run towards me, i knew their intentions but I couldn't kill my clan! So i tried to escape. It didn't go well, I was deeply wounded, i knew i couldn't go far like this... Then i remembered the necklace I had, my mother gave it to me on my sixteenth birthday. I didn't know if it will work or not but i had no choice. The next thing i remember is waking up in your consciousness. I don't know how much time has passed since then.

Hannai: Wow.... I don't know what to say... I thought my case was bad but this?...I'm sorry for what you've been through. I promise you Mirrai we WILL avenge your mother.

Mirrai: Thank you Hannai...

Mirrai: Hannai there is something else that you need to know...

Hannai: What is it?

Mirrai: Since I was the daughter of the chief and the chieftess, my full name is Mirrai Hagekura so that means...

Hannai: We are releted!?
Mirrai: Yeah, we are both from the royal family, now our exact relation, I don't know.

Hannai: How we will know though?

Mirrai: Hmmmm... Wait... Hannai?

Hannai: Yes?

Mirrai:What year is it?

Hannai: Its 2069.

Mirrai: WAIT, W-WHAT?! Then t-that means.. OUR CLAN WAS ATTACKED 100 YEARS AGO?!

Hannai: H-HUH? Wait.. doesn't that mean that your father is...

Mirrai: He's not dead.

Hannai: He's not? How is that possible?

Mirrai: The descendants of royal blood have twice the life span of normal humans so, he has to be alive!


Mirrai: I thought supernatural things don't surprise you...

Hannai: This is d-different!

Mirrai: Hahaha whatever you say Hannai...
Hannai: S-Shut up!

And thus their journey began.
An expected turn of events really..
As they say history repeats it's self...

End of Chapter.

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