Moving in

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Theos pov

I needed somewhere other then a truck to live and I'm not ready to tell Liam yet so I took up an offer and went to stay with Derek for a little while.

Me: hey Derek

Derek: Theo? What's up why are you texting so early?

Me: I need to take you up on that offer

Derek: okay drive over in an hour and I'll have the guest room set up for you.

Me: thanks Derek.

I packed up a few clothing items that were in my passenger side seat and shoved them in my to go bag.

Derek had a few rules, 1. I need to make sure any mess I make is clean as soon as possible because he likes his loft spotless 2. I buy my own groceries and clothes 3. No hookups at his place. which is dumb because I've only ever slept with Liam and he hates me usually so that won't work.

I'm happy to follow the rules as long as he doesn't tell anyone I'm there plus it's rent free so I can't complain.

I needed to go get some food that would last me at least a week so I went down to the store and you'll never guess who I ran into, Liam's mother.

I hid from her because I knew she would recognize me since we've been introduced.

I went down the candy isle with my eyes on his mom walking backwards not wanting her to see me.

I kept going back until I felt myself hit something or someone. "Jesus!" Liam spat. I recognized his voice almost instantly. "Liam?" "Theo?" "Theoo! How are you man!" Corey shouted and threw his arm around me I'm assuming he was trying to keep it non awkward. "Wait you two are friends?" Mason questioned. "Kinda." Corey smiled. "Hey mason maybe we should let Liam and Theo talk!" Corey rushed over to mason grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

"Soo your here." "Liam we need to talk about what happened three months ago.""Your right, Theo what happened was wrong it was a mistake, I think we need to stay away from each other..for good." Liam told me. "Yeah..I agree." I said slowly thinking about everything that led up to this moment and maybe he was right maybe we did make a mistake. "Listen Theo I gotta go I'll, yeah." He chuckled awkwardly. "Okay."

God that was a horrible interaction. It literally couldn't have gone worse for me. But whatever right I mean who needs him I can do this alone I just need to get a job or two and maybe Derek will let me move in with him permanently if I pay rent.

I had left the grocery store after getting what I needed and went to Dereks loft. I took my back upstairs and was now waiting for him to answer the door.

The door creaked as he opened it. "Hey Theo so here's your key, and I set up that room right there for you." He said as we sat at the kitchen table. "There is some pancakes I made a bit ago you can have some but only this once only because it's your first day here." Derek warned. "Thanks Derek." "Do you have anything else downstairs you need help bringing up." "Yeah I have some groceries." I mumbled as i shoved food into my mouth since it's been like two days since I ate. "Hungry?" Derek laughed. "Starving." "I'll go get the groceries in your truck is it unlocked?" "Yeah it should be."

I finished up my pancakes and Derek finished helping bring my groceries in now the rest was up to me.

I went into the room and placed my pillow and blanket on the bed then my clothes in the drawers. "Theo!" Derek shouted and I rushed out to the living room. "Jesus what?!" "What's this?" Derek held a positive pregnancy test in his hand. It must have slipped out of my bag. "Your pregnant?" He asked. "I should have told you I'm sorry but I didn't really think it was necessary for you to know." "Theo your having a kid, that comes with morning sickness, screaming baby's and I can't do that." "I'll be out before the baby's born don't worry." "You better be."

Great so there goes me living here and paying rent. Now I need to find a whole new place to live. I guess I need to text Corey.

Me: Corey did you ever ask your parents about me staying there.

Corey: I did

Me: and?

Corey: they said no, they said they can't afford to pay for electricity and water for you.

Me: oh ok thanks for asking them I guess.

Corey: I'm sorry

Me: it's fine.

I laid in bed as the clock hit ten pm. I was trying to fall asleep which I severely needed but this weird feeling in my stomach started. I placed my hand on my stomach that's getting bigger and bigger every week. "Hey kid, you gotta stop kicking me in trying to get us some sleep." I said quietly while rubbing over the area the baby was kicking. "Maybe I outta get us checked out by deaton tomorrow to make sure your ok." The baby kicked again twice "I'm going to take that as a yes." I smiled then turned to my side and tried to fall asleep.

I hope everything goes well tomorrow..

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