TF Shattered Glass: COCOMELON - S02 Ch09

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--Start S02 Ch09--

Optimus stared at the horn in his hand, sitting on his bed...he had Skyglider right where he wanted him...why shouldn't he kill him right here and now? He could, and frankly he should...but Azeline could never forgive him, and if she ever found out that they may have brainwashed her to forget him, it would shatter anything they had built...

Azeline stopped banging on her door after around an hour and just paced around her room trying to find a way out

Callidus just being near Azeline's room

Azeline looks all around her room for an escape but nothing- the only choice was the bedroom door

Callidus would be pacing back and forth near the door, muttering things to herself

Azeline decides to tip a vase over in her room- it shatters, she hides in her closet by the door

Bob1: The heck did she do now?

Azeline waits patiently and quietly for them to enter her room before she bolts out

Bob2: I don't know, check it out-!

Bob1: Ok, ok-

Bob1 opens the door and begins looking around

Azeline watches Bob1- when he's far enough away- she jumps out of the closet and out of her room. She runs past Bob2 and Callidus- but keeps running to the cell room

Calli: Oh- You two are both beyond stupid. Go after her before I change my mind about keeping you two alive.

Bobs 1+2 begin chasing after Azeline

Azeline runs into the cell room and shuts and locks the door behind her, she charges the Bob and slams him to the ground- knocking him out with a swift punch, and stealing the keys

The Bobs go grab Optimus

Skyglider finally woke up and looked around. He suddenly remembered what happened, then patted where his horn should be. He panicked for a split second when some dried energon stained his hand

Skyglider: How much longer will he keep me alive- shouldn't be too much longer...I needa get out of here with the kid as soon as possible-

Azeline bursts into the cell and runs to Skyglider's side, she holds his head in her hands

Azeline: Dad...?

Skyglider looked up at her, he smiled for a split second, but then he quickly turned serious

Skyglider: Pip, you need to leave- right now-

Azeline: I'm not leaving without you- please! He'll kill you!

The epic Bobs return with Optimus

Skyglider: I know Kiddo- but you're in much more danger than I am if you're seen with me-

Azeline: I am not leaving without you! She tries the keys to free Skyglider

Optimus stood inside the doorway of the cell

Optimus: He's right you know...

Azeline froze when she heard his voice, she continued to try to unlock the chains but none of them worked

Bob1: You really thought those were the real keys?

Bob2: Ha, pathetic.

Azeline notices a tear was falling down her face- she didn't want to leave Skyglider- she couldn't, she was trapped. Azeline faced Optimus, still sitting down at Skyglider's side

TF Shattered Glass: COCOMELON [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now