TF Shattered Glass: COCOMELON - S01 Ch06

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--Start S01 Ch06--

Jazz: Well, it would be better than working for that stuck up.

Calli: You do realize I'm not exactly warrior material, right?

Callidus turns around, and ends up knocking over the container of the Vozvoria crystal

Calli: Dammit...

Jazz: Yeah, but you can be- With just a little bit of training. Do you think I got this good just by looking pretty?

Calli: You fuckin wish...

Callidus proceeds to pick up the Vozvoria crystal, placing it securely on her desk

Calli: Eh, I can clear up the broken container later. I don't exactly enjoy the fact somebody is currently watching my every move.

Jazz: I'm just saying-You have potential.

Calli: Yeah, whatever. She retracts her mask unknowingly I did what you asked. Why aren't you leaving?

Jazz shrugged

Jazz: Thanks for the help bright eyes-I'd better be going.

Calli: Bright eyes? Wait-

Calli realized her mask retracted, and she seems to turn away in embarrassment

Jazz: I guess I just found you a new nickname. Still like my lady though.

Calli: Shut up... Her face would be turning red Just get out of here already. I need to work on the vozvoria infusion on my sword.

Jazz: Aww, that's cute. I'll see you later. Jazz leaves

Calli leans out of her door


Jazz only laughs as he walks

Calli: I was going to offer to infuse your weapons with Vozvoria and show you how to use it. But after that dumb stunt you just pulled-... More for me~!

Jazz: Fine by me-I can handle myself just fine!

Calli: Oh, so you don't want a unique upgrade? Fine by me. I normally don't trust anyone with the stuff- Ah, forget it. Feel free to come to my lab any time, visor eyes.

Callidus walks back into her lab

Jazz mumbles to himself

Jazz: Looks like I'm growing on you bright eyes.

Callidus be freaking out over the fact she turned red

Calli: There is just something about that bot- She sighs Damn it. She gets to work

Gadget: I'm back! Grabs a bottle of Engex and starts chugging Ugh- the good stuff.

Starscream: Not again...

Gadget: What? I've been drinking for years; I can hold liquor.

Starscream: It's not you I'm particularly worried about...If the others get a hold of alcohol...

Gadget: Ugh- I'll make sure they won't get it.

Gadget: Counting his bottles Ok- one is missing... Hopefully the siblings didn't get it-

Azeline sat at a table alone while drinking Engex when she wasn't supposed to, she had a bunch of feelings she wasn't to flush out for the time being

TF Shattered Glass: COCOMELON [DISCONTINUED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt