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This... Is stupid and dumb... While also being dumb and stupid somehow lol...

So, just a heads up, this is mostly to see if people would be interested in this fanfic.


Y/n L/n

13 (around the same age as Odd and Ulrich)

You look like yourself, or you can use the image below.
*Image below is just a stand-in*

*Image below is just a stand-in*

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Lyoko Avatar:

Lyoko Avatar:

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A dangerous ability that lets you re-write the codes in the VR world, including the others and your own

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A dangerous ability that lets you re-write the codes in the VR world, including the others and your own. Though the risk is high, so is the reward, as you can use this ability to weaken powerful creatures that X.A.N.A. sent after you all, though overuse can cause your hit points to hit zero in an instant.

Odd's best friend and one of the original "Lyoko Warriors". A friendly but reserved young boy who was originally too shy to talk much, that is until he met Odd, who has been helping him come out of his "shell" bit by bit. His Lyoko Avatar is a duel short sword user who relies of quick, precise strikes to fight. Has a crush on (Romance Choice) after he met her the first time, but has decided to keep this feeling to himself as he noticed that someone else has feelings for them too. However, once Odd found out, he decided to make it his personal mission in life to see you at least confess to her...


Romance Choice


As this fanfic starts at episode 1 of season 1 and it covers the four series (I'm not counting Evolution), I'll only have you pick between these two, sorry!



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Comment/Vote on whichever one you want and if I do write this, I'll see what I can do

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Comment/Vote on whichever one you want and if I do write this, I'll see what I can do.

Code Lyoko: The X.A.N.A. ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now