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I am a troll in a fantasy forest and I hate people. I hate them. To the core, my core. It's freaking annoying to keep a conversation going, to listen to boring topics that the villagers feel passionate about but I couldn't care less about. 

I am not a real troll. 

My brown hair is a messy but pretty braid and my clothes are fit for easy movement. I am a girl but a troll in everyone else's eyes. 

I am not so nice either in most of the villagers eyes but they are all stupid and none of them interest me in the slightest. I pluck the mushroom harshly from the ground. 

They do not know anything about me. I stomp away as my ashy purple skirt flows with the rhythm of my feet. Birds are chirping and the breeze grabs my braid. I squint and laugh at the tickling feeling. 

But honestly, I don't have to be liked by the villagers, not as long as this forest is my home. Fictional characters from books are good enough company as it is. The only relationships I need, and so are animals. 

My favorites are foxes. I see them sometimes in this part of the woods. I am not too far from my house and I think they like the berries that grow here. I pick up a twig with blueberries. I sure love them. 

My eyes move to the leaf crowns above me. The sun shines through the yellow and brown and red leaves. I bet those villagers have no idea what it feels like. I continue on the path.

 One step, two steps. The path leading to the only place that makes me feel comfortable.

My basket swings in front of me.

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I am a trollWhere stories live. Discover now