The truth is out

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What ever had happened to that soul who had come to attack was gone. There most been a self destruct protocol that had been followed or something, because she was dead. There wouldn't be much information to get out of her now, just the body it shelf could now tell her pitiful story.

So in front of me one who would never talk again and around me a bunch of elven people who had just witness my bending. This would be interesting and a pain in the long hair, because it would take some time to untangle this mess.

"May I as who you really are?" One of them asked slowly, like if I would bit his head off or something different if said it differently.

" You may, but I will not answer because it's not one I am able to give for now. " I smiled slightly, " for there are matters more serious that that at hand." Trying to sound like someone who knew what they were talking about.

I let go of the limp one, putting the body on to the ground. "We have two things at hand for now, finding who our unknown friend is and our spy." By these words the interest shifted so slightly from me to the kicking spy who now were bound and put in the middle of the ring.

He just looked straight at me, eyes narrowed as he were looking me up and down, as if determine what to do with me. His body were different than the on looker's, like if he wasn't finished. That there had been a lack of information when he was born, but it was a hunch. From a distance i would never seen it, but up close, he looked like a cross between human and elven kind. If I should had guessed then it would been ten percent human.

"We are looking at magic" Gandalf said, giving me oh so slightly heart attack. Other smiled at him and gave a slight nod.

"What you mean, Mithrandir?"

"It's magic, I am sure of it I am. But it's advance spell for sure, who cast it I am not sure."
His free hand gater around the staff top as he put it closer to his mouth and whisper words that I couldn't understand and wouldn't be able to tell again.

A slight light spread in its top, before slowly taking it leap from the staff and towards the captive . It danced around him, leaving dust particles in the air. You could see his face twisting in the pain it was putting him under. His body change, his size, hair, everything about him changed.

It didn't take long.

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