Part 19: The Prisoners

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The cold, mountain air blows into the cave. Riptheil, wrapped in his cloak, curls even more. The coming winter isn't helping him keep warm. As he looks back toward the valley, he sees that the sun has risen more in the sky. He couldn't have been asleep for than an hour. He knows if he's going to get any more, he'll have to move deeper into the cave.

He picks up his bag and his pick as he steps deeper into the cave mouth. He has to duck his head once or twice, but the extra effort is worth it. Every step he takes, the air gets warmer. He settles down at last, and sits.

Something snaps in one of his pockets. He pulls it out and sees a broken stick with a charcoal end. One of the few things from Kayla he was able to bring. He can't help but stare at it for a few minutes. How could his life had changed more?

All of a sudden, the walls of the cave looked a little too blank. He looked back down at the tool and then got up, making his way over to the wall. He brought the charcoal to the wall and set to work. He didn't know what he was doing just yet. He didn't even know what the end product would be. He only knew that this was what he could do. To stay in touch with her.

As he stepped back to examine his work, he felt that warmth in his heart. That warmth when you see an old friend. Hear a stirring tune. The portrait of him and Kayla was beautiful. His best work yet.

He couldn't help but place his hand near Kayla's face. It was like she was there with him. But she wasn't. His head dipped down as his hand slipped. Why did he have to lose her too? Why was he even this upset? She was a human. Part of the very race that doomed him and his people. His family. His father.

His father. Riptheil could hear his voice in his head. He could finally remember what it was they talked about. That last conversation before he fell. They stood atop the mountains overlooking the green valleys below. Two lizardlings. Both so powerful and so proud.

"I don't know if I can do it," Riptheil said, "I don't know if I can be what they need me to be."

"You are not a fool, Riptheil," his father said, "I know exactly what it is that you're capable of. You can lead them and help them in ways I never could."

"I'm afraid your eyes are getting worse." Riptheil said.

"My eyes work perfectly. My nose, on the other hand..."

Riptheil chuckled a bit before looking down into the valleys. "What if I can't protect them? What if I can't protect my family?"

Riptheil's father looked at him patiently. "You'll be able to. Family is something you'll never be short of Riptheil. It crosses beyond what we see as typical relationships. Across ages. Across clans. Sometimes even across species. It's not about who you protect. It's about why you protect them."

Riptheil's eyes opened and he was back in the cave once again. Staring at the picture of Kayla on the wall.


Kayla was brought downstairs into the hallway that would lead outside to the town square. The guards flanked her on all sides. No way out. No chance at redemption. Her heart sank. She could feel the chills run down her spine. This was it.

She didn't even notice when the wall of guards opened behind her and Marlana and the others joined her. "Kayla?" Marlana's voice spoke in a somber tone. As if she knew. Kayla could only turn around and breathe heavier. She hugged Marlana out of need for some comfort. She didn't want to feel alone right now. There was a tiny sense of relief when she felt Marlana's arms wrap around her.

"It's time." One of the guards said. Kayla gave Marlana one final squeeze and then turned forward. The door opened and light flooded the inside hallway. Kayla was blinded for a moment as she was directed forward. As she stepped outside, she could finally see.

Between the guards flanking her, she could see and hear the townsfolk. They had obviously caught news of what was happening and come to see who the unlucky few were. Kayla could tell too when they found out who was going to hang because she heard their voices change. Murmurs turned to surprise and surprise to outright anger and fear. The best hunters in the village and the town healer? The town would never survive after this.

"Kayla! Marlana!" A yell came from the crowd as Brenner stormed his way over. Before he could get there, a pair of guards grabbed him and tried rushing him away. Brenner's face turned white and his head turned to the left. "Lomew, you bastard! They didn't do anything wrong!"

Kayla looked where he was looking and could finally see the gallows standing high above everything else. A fresh noose hung high. And in the middle of it all: a darkly dressed executioner, and Sheriff Lomew in chain mail armor.

The five of them ascended up the stairs to the platform. Kayla watched the crowd as she ascended. On the outskirts, she could see everything in full. The entire town was there and in an uproar. On the outer skirts of the crowd, there stood another force. Nearly a hundred rangers now stood where there used to be only fifty. The additional forces were already here. At that time, Kayla was just glad Riptheil was as far away as he could be.

The moment they were all up the stairs, the guards gave them a clear view of the crowd, standing behind the bound prisoners in case any tried to escape. Lomew stepped forward to address the crowd. "Hear me people of Vernharte! The time of your freedom is nigh, but before we leave we address the crimes of these radicals. Four of them are guilty of stealing from the woods, moving about past curfew, and poaching wildlife. One of them is guilty of harboring these criminals and even paying for their services. For that, she will be hung first."

The guard behind Marlana suddenly shoves her forward as she struggles to move without her cane. Kayla moves to stop her before her guard grabs her. "Marlana!" She screams. "She didn't do anything wrong! Lomew, she didn't do anything wrong!"

The entire crowd writhed and cursed the sheriff as the noose slipped over Marlana's head. They needed their healer, no matter how miserable. Sheriff Lomew walked over to Marlana and tightened the noose himself. "Any last words to declare?"

Marlana looked him dead in the eyes and said, "You'll burn for this." Lomew stepped away as the crowd was now trying to get to the platform, but the guards surrounding it stopped them from getting closer.

"Marlana!" Kayla screamed and writhed and kicked. She never got any closer. Marlana closed her eyes and savored her last few breaths. The sheriff looked at the executioner with a nod. His hands went to the lever.

All of a sudden, the wood of the post holding the rope exploded into splinters as something crashed through it. It landed with a giant metal "clang" right at the doorstep of a shop. The entire town went silent as they saw the huge metal chain draped across the platform and followed it to its end at the shop. It was the biggest pick axe they had ever seen. Suddenly, the chain went taut and the pick flew back. Everyone saw as it landed perfectly into the hand of the biggest reptile any of them had ever seen.

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