CHAPTER XXX: Seven of Swords

Começar do início

Quackity just startles a little, enabling Niki to go down the other road.

"Well, I'm your neighbour," she explains. "So, I think Quackity is trying to make you hate me so he can spend more time with you, because we are just more likely to get along and see each other." Quackity's mouth falls wide open, his eyes too widening as he genuinely seems to be shocked and offended by what Niki accuses him of. Before he can react to this, though, you gesture to him to keep him mouth shut.

"Why are the two of you hanging out with me in the first place, what about that?" you ask them, knowing that if you were to ask Jared a question like this, he would immediately give you a list of reasons as to why he considers you a friend. And if you had asked Jack this, he'd have told you to fuck off. And who knows what Techno would've done?

However, neither Niki nor Quackity seem to be willing to admit the truth to you, which is not at all making you happy. If they can't even explain why they want your company, then why should you bother to accept it? Do they even know? Are they too scared to tell? "I suppose you're a reliable person," Quackity immediately admits, shrugging as he opens your bedside table, where he'd put some candy to eat. You're not sure if it's really candy though. May be drugs. "I can trust you to not, you know, use me, or abuse me, or leave me behind somewhere. I mean, if you're prepared to be friends with Jared, then you have to be like that, right?"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" you ask, arms crossed. You know you really shouldn't be making enemies now that anyone can kill or attack you in the streets without any consequences, but you're not allowing some fallen angel to drag your best friend's name through the mud. He's already had enough of that.

"I just mean that Jared is not an easy person to befriend with," he claims, talking with his mouth full. "I once tried, but he was too... optimistic? Naïve? Easy to take advantage of? I don't know, I just felt bad for him. I felt like I had to. Like I'd be some kind of a terrible person if I didn't pity him. You know, you can say about Dream what you want, but I'm pretty sure Jared's the most manipulative of all of us."

You raise your eyebrow, letting out an incredulous chuckle as you run your hand through your hair. "Jared? Manipulative?" You could understand what Quackity meant with the overly optimistic part, but the rest just sounded made up. Yeah, sure, he could act a little naïve, but you were pretty sure that had more to do with his decision to ignore red flags than with him actually having that little life experience. "I'm pretty sure you just think he's an idiot."

"He is that too. And god, so overly sensitive. Whenever Sally sings some songs, especially those she wrote in earlier days, he tears up and starts crying because 'it reminds him of the old times', as if he's ever seen the old times before! Sure, XD may be a lot older than me, but I've still witnessed the formation of the United States, for god's sake! Those are the old times."

"Well, old is a very subjective word in general. It's different for anyone," you counter almost immediately, only to be met with an upset Quackity. Niki, meanwhile, has had the ability to think about her words carefully. However, she doesn't respond to your question, but has decided to join in on the trash-talking-Jared-train.

"I can't disagree with him, actually," she says, leaning forward a little in her chair while also holding the warm cup of coffee that you prepared for her. "You know, none of us know what happened to him. All of us know he killed himself, but the only people who actually know what happened are Sally and Jack, and neither of them are willing to open their mouths. Despite his softie demeanour, he's not what he seems to be, Y/N. He lied to you once, so why wouldn't he lie to you again?"

"You're all missing motives, morons," you snarl, being unable to argue against that. "Why would Jared do that, exactly? What has he to gain from it?"

"Maybe he knows more of your powers?" Quackity suggest, sending a careful glance towards Niki. She shakes her head, though.

"Perhaps he's in love with you, having been the first victim of your energy." That's certainly a way to describe what this weird energy does. "But he's not that easily trusted." You don't trust this.

"And you are?" Niki lied to you too. And so did Quackity. If they're going to convince you of Jared's disloyalty, then they can't disagree that they're just as, if not more, suspicious. "Don't tell me about trust. I'm certain that Jared has reasons not to tell me about who he used to be before his death, so don't try to turn me against him. If you are, get out of my house now."

"I was just trying to warn you, Y/N," Quackity mumbles as he stands up, leaving your apartment just as you requested. When you look at Niki, you see the hesitation in her eyes. Once she meets yours, she sighs and nods, leaving you there as well. 


Apologies for the late and shorter update! School's started becoming busier and I've been playing minecraftussy with my bestussies. I hope to update a longer and better chapter soon, but that will take more time likely, so I hope this was still enjoyable!

The Rhythm of Your Heart [Yan!DSMP x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora