The Disappearance

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            "My dear little Yuri....." Historia looked lovingly at her newborn. Yuri was born about a week ago, they were finally returning to the castle after Living at her friend's farm during her pregnancy for a safer environment. "I won't let anyone hurt you" she said softly while kissing her delicate little forehead.

"My Queen, we have arrived" The coachman announced as he opened the carriage door.

As she stepped out there were guards everywhere as townspeople watched and waved. She put on a smile, when in reality she just wanted to be alone without the media. Once she got inside she was met with another guard.

"Ma'am, you have people claiming they know you, they go by the names of Springer, Kirstein, Arlert, and Ackerman." He said.

Historia's face lit up, "let them in". She saw her friends walk through the door with royal guards at their sides. "You may be excused" she said dismissing the guards. They were alone in her huge bedroom talking.

"So what was so urgent that we needed to come here for?" Jean asked while sitting down on the couch.

"I'm going to disappear. I want to leave no trace of where I'm going" she said whispering so the guards wouldn't hear, as they always listen closely.

"YOU WHAT!?" Connie exclaimed in shock.

Armin nudged him, "shhhh!!!"

"Sorry, but why?" He questioned her.

She took a deep breath as she explained. "It's not safe here. We have hunters looking for Me and now Yuri, I can't let anything happen to her. We're the last of the Reiss bloodline, the royal bloodline of Paradis. I already have a plan but I need your guy's help" Historia began to explain her plan to go into hiding. "There's already a small cottage in the forest, near a stream. I used to visit there all the time as a kid, nobody will find us especially since it's such an old place. I just have to fix it up and it will be ready for living, and livestock and seeds for a garden, is there anyway I can get that in about 5 days?" After she finished explaining they all looked a bit shocked.

"We can do it, if we work day and night until then." Mikasa said while thinking outloud. 

Yuri was peacefully sleeping in Historia's arms as they were discussing their plan. "Alright then, Let's do it. I wanna be out of here in a few days, no trace of where I went." 

The next morning they began their plan, Mikasa and Jean were cleaning out the old cottage getting it ready for them. Meanwhile Armin and Connie "borrowed" some of the animals. Bringing them to the cottage with Historia's help of a distraction for the guards. 

"We still have so much to clean" Mikasa sighed while pulling down a cloth covering her mouth. 

Jean looked around. "Yeah no shit, and how come you're complaining, you've got Levi's blood you should love cleaning' He teased.

"Levi is....special I'll say that. Just because he's my cousin doesn't mean we're alike" She rolled her eyes playfully then continued dusting. 

"You know....All this dust isn't good for the baby....." He mentioned referencing to the fact that Mikasa was pregnant.

She walked over to him and they held hands, "I'll be fine, I'm only a few weeks anyways" She smiled then kissed him. 

"Speaking of that shorty though....Maybe we could use his help in cleaning up the place" Jean scratched the back of his head. 


Meanwhile Connie and Armin had a wagon full of animals, Along with wooden planks and nails for a fence. Cows, Chickens, sheep and pigs you name it they brought it, with some seeds that they'll plant the next day. By horse it's about an hour ride to get to the cottage, nobody is going that far from the city, so they were definitely safe. 

As Yuri was napping, Historia began writing letters to her friends, explaining what's happening and what's going to happen. 

5 days passed. The night on the 5th day Historia was leaving. Everything had already been moved to the cottage and everything was ready for their arrival. "So that's're leaving" Mikasa said with a frown. 

Historia just nodded. "Here, open these once you get home, this will explain everything" She handed them the letters. "Give this to the others too, the one's with their names on it"

"What's going to happen when we don't have a Queen" Connie asked, "We need someone to be in charge"

"I've thought of that too, don't worry" Historia reassured him.

She grabbed a bag of little things she wanted to bring herself, and got on the horse with her baby in her arms. "I wish you all the best" She smiled. "Don't visit me unless I say it's okay, please, I want to keep Yuri safe, at least until she's older."

"Promise" They all said at the same time. 

"Goodbye" She waved and then rode off into the darkness of night. Gone without a trace.

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