Chapter- 4

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"What !!!....Nooo... Y/n please, we have met after 6 months and you... you are demanding my patience !!!" He rolled his eyes in frustration.

"Yes or no?... Accept your punishment love.." I gently cupped his face...because I am allowed to touch him but he isn't. But hearing the word 'love' from my mouth, his face lifted with a tint of joy in his eyes.

"Okay fine..." He made a sad face and turned to walk out of the room when I called him.

"Shaw, wait...I want to take a shower but I don't have clothes as you kidnapped me but my stuffs are still in Rio... So can you give me a shirt or something??.." I hoped he doesn't want me to roam in the house with a bathrobe around my body...

"Don't worry Love... I have already arranged everything for you.." He smirked and moved towards the wardrobe.

His hands opened the slider of the wardrobe and OMG !!!

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His hands opened the slider of the wardrobe and OMG !!!

"How did you??!! " I was shocked to see a fully stacked closet with female clothes... that too new ones as I can see the tags on them. 

While his clothes were occupying a very small space in the wardrobe...but don't men have only a couple of shirts, pants and suits??... But we, women, need every type of clothing according to the occasions, so it was obvious for us to have a huge closet and I can see Shaw has taken care of that. 

I went near and moved the clothes on hangars...then I open the drawers and found the undergarments arranged in pairs. He has really brought everything.... 

But I will be really sad if they won't fit me..." Did you know my size???!!"

He started smirking and coming closer, till he reached my ear from the back..." Obviously love...While you were sleeping I measured you and went shopping.."

"You Pervy!!!" I turned and faced him. I don't even wanna imagine him taking my body measures. 

"Relax babe... I took the measures decently. Then I went shopping and the saleswoman took out the clothes according to the size I gave her.." 

"Okay I am gonna take a shower and Love, I am HUNGRY... please arrange some delicious foods.." I smiled at him which he returned. If it wasn't for the punishment he would have pecked my lips ...

 He left the room and I went to the bathroom.

I filled the bathtub and poured some drops of shower gel...I removed my clothes and landed myself in the warm water.

The city view can also be seen from the bathroom and I was loving it

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The city view can also be seen from the bathroom and I was loving it... My body feels relaxed.

I closed my eyes thinking about today... I am glad that Shaw is back, we are together!!!

But then I suddenly realize about the fact that Shaw never told me what he did on his mission that it took him months!!... and that too no calls and messages. Because whenever he went on any mission he used to be in contact with me.

While he was apologizing I don't know why but it felt like he was hiding something from me... I don't know what, but there is something more that he was hesitant to share.

With that thought in my mind, I came out of the shower with a bathrobe around my body... I locked the door of the room and went to choose a dress, from the collection Shaw had bought. 

Now that I see the clothes properly, Shaw has bought only sexy dresses... Like they are really sexy!!

I took out some lingerie and there again sexy, sexy, sexy !!!!

Only few of them were decent like  jeans and some shirts and floral dresses, which might be for going out with him, but rest are super hot dresses. But then again, what else can you expect from your boyfriend when he has met you after months and went for shopping alone???

I decide to wear shorts and tshirt... But then an evil idea popped in my mind.

I choose a super sexy short dress.... I am going to tease him and make him needy as he can't do anything because of the punishment. I smirked and got ready.

Let's see how will he avoid me in this dress

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Let's see how will he avoid me in this dress....

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