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'Good news, guys' Chan said a few months later at a family meeting. He was wearing the widest grin ever.

'Omg what is it??' Jisung jumped excitedly up and down in his seat.

We all waited eagerly for our leader to continue.

'So, you may have noticed that I talked to our head management several times over the last days. And after hours of arguing with the most bigoted old men you can imagine, I'm able to proudly say that you can come out with your sexualities to our fans.'


'How the hell did you convince them to let that happen?'

'Wait, wait, Chan, who exactly can come out?'

'Excellent question, Minho, which I would've already answered if you noisy children would have let me speak out once in my lifetime.'

'Stop being grumpy'

'Shut up'

In the occuring second of silence, Chan began: 'Well, unfortunately-'



'Can someone glue his mouth shut please?'

'I can' Minho said grinning smugly, starting to lean towards the younger.

'Stop it! No more make out sessions at family meetings!'

'Stop taking all my fun away' Jisung said pouting.

Chan took a deep breath with closed eyes, waiting for us to calm down.

'As I wanted to say, unfortunately the bigoted old men were pretty stubborn and thus the possiblity to come out mainly refers to Minho and Felix, because you two were outed already before our debut. You other queer members just have to wait a little longer, but I'm positive that you can follow suit smoothly once Felix and Minho did the first step.'

'Oh, what a bummer' Jisung mumbled disappointed.

'Hey, this is way more than I expected them to ever give us' Hyunjin leaned over me to ruffle Jisung's hair. 'We've been closeted for so long, a few more months won't hurt anyone.'

Chan watched them with a hinted smile. 'Okay, Felix, Minho, you two take your time to decide, if, when and how you want to do this, then come back to me and we'll clear everything up with the management. I hope these cowards won't bail on us.'

As everyone was busy with their own stuff again, I went over to Chan and engulfed him in a bear hug.

'Thank you', I whispered.


A few days later the three of us sat together again.

'So, what do you think?' Chan asked.

Minho fumbled with his hands, his gaze focused on them. 'I... I won't come out.'

'What?' I asked surprised, not sure if I understood right.

'Why?' Chan used a more empathic tone.

Minho looked guiltily at me. 'I'm sorry Felix, but I won't come out yet' he repeated.

I shook my head 'You don't have to apologize. But why?'

He sighed. 'I talked with Jisung and Hyunjin. They'd be alright with me coming out, of course, but... I don't know, I want to take this step together with them, when they can out themselves, too. And I don't know when our management will be okay with a partly open gay polyamorous relationship between idols of the same group.' He let out an amused huff.

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