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I always liked our fanmeets. I looked forward to them for days. It was so precious to meet all the amazing people that support us. To talk to them. I wished I could talk to every single stay, without time limit. I'm sure I'd meet so many wonderful human beings.

It was a fanmeeting in the USA, I think.

I had talked to several stays already and was a bit unconcentrated by now. Due to jetlag.

A stay gave me their copy of our latest album to sign.

I asked for what name I should sign it.

They said, 'Remy'

I looked up.

It was a young person, maybe 16 or 17 years old. Beautiful pastel lilac coloured hair. But that wasn't what had me staring.

I couldn't tell if they were male or female.

The stay seemed to be both feminine and masculine at the same time.

My brain went back and forth - girl or boy, girl or boy?

I actually didn't want to care, because it honestly didn't matter to me. But I haven't met such an androgynous person ever before.

I signed their album on autopilot.

Then, because we still had time left, I wanted to compliment their hair, but what left my mouth was exactly what I've been thinking without any filter: 'Are you a girl or a boy?'

I realized what I had said a second later.
As I didn't want to come across as rude, I quickly shook my head and added: 'I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked so bluntly. I just wondered...'

The stay - Remy - just smiled. 'Don't worry, I get that question a lot. I'm nonbinary though. My pronouns are they/them.'

They said it happily and lighthearted.

I've heard the term nonbinary before. And I knew what pronouns were. Like, roughly. Right that moment, I unfortunately didn't remember any of that.

The questioning look on my face must have shown, as Remy began to explain before I could ask.

'Nonbinary means for me that I don't identify as either boy or girl. I'm a bit of both, and a bit of something else entirely. There are actually a lot of people that don't fit in the binary of men and women.'

I let that sink in for a moment.

Then: 'Oh my god, that's so cool.'

We grinned at each other. 'Thank you for explaining. I'm always happy to learn about such things.' I said. 'Also, I'm bisexual', I didn't say.

Instead I went with: 'I absolutely adore your hair. I wanted to try out this colour for myself for like... forever!'

'Oh my god, please do it!' Remy's eyes were sparkling. The staff motioned that our time was up already. 'It would look so pretty on you!'

I smiled.


Remy smiled. Thanked me for the chat and the signing. We said goodbye.

I couldn't stop thinking about them.

About what they said.



I needed to look that up.




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