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It was the first time before a concert that I didn't want to go on stage.

My outfit was terrible.

It was oversized and stiff, making my shoulders way too wide. My upper body too square. The fabric was heavy. I didn't know how I was supposed to dance in it.

I was uncomfortable.

I was uncomfortable because it was too masculine. Too boyish.

And I wasn't a boy.

I couldn't tell anyone that, though.

And I couldn't think of another excuse.

We had performed in similar outfits before. I had performed in similar outfits before - without thinking twice about it. Without having a problem.

I lost that comfort now, I guess.

I didn't dare to say anything. How would I explain this?

The others all wore nearly the same, and no one seemed bothered by it at all.

I took a deep breath.

You're a professional.

Just get it over with.


As soon as I stood on stage I knew it was a mistake.

I've never felt this uncomfortable before.

All eyes were on me.

Every single worried thought and bad emotion I had in the backstage room got ten times worse and a hundred times more intense.

Suddenly, roaring in me was a torrid sense of utter and complete wrongness.

My insides were burning.

I wanted to cry, and scream and curl up and hide myself.

No one should see me like this. I didn't want stays to see me like this.

That wasn't me.

That wasn't ME.

I've never felt this emotion before.

Everything was just ... wrong.

I wanted to run off the stage.

But I couldn't.

Our performance started.

I felt terrible.

Fortunately, I had practiced all the choreos long enough to have the dance steps automatized.

I think I made a lot of mistakes anyways.

I didn't know for sure.

The stage lights, the squealing fans, the loud music.

Everything blurred together into a formless mash of movements, lights and noises.

It was like hell.

I distinctly heard the members speaking to our fans, having lighthearted conversations with each other about this and that.

Nothing actually reached me anymore.

Except when someone talked about me.








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