swimming lesson and problems with sudo

Start from the beginning

Kiyotaka: " I've recorded this whole thing if you don't want this to be reported all of you give me half of your points."

3rd years: " You bastard, like I would ever do tha-"

I shook the phone in my hand saying are you forgetting I have this

Kiyotaka: "do you want this to be reported you could be suspended or worse expelled. Then your future would be ruined"

3rd years: " tsskk fine I'll do it"

They then send there points to ayanokoji. 400k, 540k, 460k points
In total he has 1,497,645 points since he had 97,645 after he went shopping.

Unkown: " how and why did you do that?" 

Kiyotaka: "your in my class so it's only natural I do it and it was obvious what they were doing even a child could figure it out"

Sudo: "I don't really know why you mean by that but thank you I owe you one. Oh and by the way names sudo ken it's nice to meet you"

Kiyotaka: it's nice to meet you to"

I put my hand out and offered a handshake to which he agreed. He had surpringly strong grip strength not as good as mine but still good anyway.

Sudo: "wait your the guy who asked sensei on a date. That was pretty insane bro. Going for the teacher is pretty brave."

Sigh why his he making such a big deal out of it I just asked her for information.

Kiyotaka: " is it really that big of a deal I just asked her for information purposes"

Sudo: " do you not know what a date is" he said teasingly

Kiyotaka: "it's when you ask people for stuff isn't it"

Sudo was Clearly surprised by my answer since his mouth was wide open and was frozen in place. He stood there for a while not saying anything until finally he said

Sudo: " do you not know know anything about dating stuff"

Dating stuff huh

Sudo: " a date is when two people hangout and normally it's meant to be romantic and with the person you love"

Hmm I think I see why it's such a big deal I wonder how this will play out now.

Kiyotaka: "I see thank you for telling me but we should get going to class we don't want to be late.

Timeskip to classroom:

Hmm sensei isn't here yet I guess I can take a little nap.


Or not.

Chabashira: alright everyone today we will be doing a swimming lesson so let's head to the swimming pool.

The classroom went into chaos
The boys were celebrating and the girls not so much I guess they are scared of the new trio 'the perverted trio'

I zoned out and started thinking about the white room I don't know why but it just suddenly popped into my head and now I cant get it out that place was hell keeping children locked in a room like animals in a zoo confined in a space where socializing wasn't allowed.

After a while I felt something hit my head I came out of previous state and back into the real world to see I had been hit by a clipboard by chabashira sensei. I held the top of my head to act like it hurt and hopefully she would feel guilty about what she did.

Chabashira: "oh come on that didn't hurt. Anyway hurry up or youll be late"

I failed.

Sigh  i got out of my seat and started walking to the swimming pool. I could  sense her staring at me from behind but I decided.to ignore it.

Everyone starts changing:

Whilst changing I could feel people looking at me did I have something on my face or something.

Sudo: "hey ayanokoji do you workout"
He called out to me.

Kiyotaka: "sometimes"

He was shocked and so was everyone else.

Sudo: "sometimes you must be doing an intense workout everyday"

Everyone nodded in agreement

Kiyotaka: " no it's a pretty simple workout actually"

With that i left the locker room and went to the pool and sat on the floor near a window. Slowly more and more people started coming out the changing room. The boys are doing a competition and have bet on who they think has the biggest breasts out of all the girls. I decided to stay out of it since It seems troublesome

Horikita: " look at how lonely you are"

I looked up to see horikita standing in front of me

Kiyotaka: " Your alone too you know"

Horikita: " Yeah true but I prefer to be alone"

Kiyotaka: " I guess that's understandable but if it were really true then why are you talking to me right now"

She clearly got annoyed at that and ignored me slowly walking away.

Chabashira: " alright everyone hurry up today we will be doing a swimming competition and whoever wins gets 15k points. Now is there anyone who can't swim"

No one raised there hand

Chabashira: " good now warm up and I'll tell you who your up against"

I wasn't going to try but points are on the line and 15k points is 15k points.

Chabashira:" all right first we have ayanokoji vs ike" please take your spots.

As I was getting ready some of the girls went red while looking at me. Did they have a fever or something even sensei was a bit red.

Some of the boys were clearly jealous as they glared at me. I did nothing wrong so why are they doing that.

Chabashira: "o-okay you will race to the end in 3 2 1 go"

We set of and from the start it was clear I won but i tried to go a bit slower to not stand out to much.

I still got a time of 24 seconds and ike got 35 seconds.

People were surprised by how quick I was but I thought it was pretty average.

Hirata:" wow ayanokoji your a pretty fast swimmer"

Ayanokoji: " really I thought that was pretty average"

"HUHH" some people said


I decided to ignore it and sit down

Skip to ayanokoji in the final with koenji

Chabashira: " okay now we are at the final get ready in 3 2 1 go"

We set of and koenji Is a pretty good swimmer it seems I'll have to try a bit.
I started speeding up and people were shocked by how fast I was going. Before I knew it I reached the end and slowly got out

Koenji:"you beat me this time ayonokoji-boy but remember I'm still  perfect"

with that he walked away and I ignored him. When I was walking people started surrounding me

"Wow that's was so cool ayanokoji"some girls said

"You done it in 18 seconds" others said 

Hirata:" okay everyone calm down ayanokoji must be pretty tired let's let him rest"

"Okay" the girls said

Sigh thank you hirata.

Chabashira:" ayanokoji I'll send you the 15k points now"

Kiyotaka:"okay sensei"

I then went into the locker room and started changing and headed back to the dorms

Next chapter you'll see more of ayanokoji and chabashira interacting.

End chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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