class D

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Kiyotaka pov:
Sigh walking with ichinose can be pretty tiring she talks way to much for my liking. I tried to keep up with the conversation but with my social skills that would be impossible. I can hold my own in a normal conversation but when you get into the depths of it I find it impossible to track and follow.

Ichinose: "well this is my classroom"

She's in class b that's interesting maybe we can form an alliance with our two classes. Sakayangi told me a bit about the school and how the classes will compete against each other bits that's pretty much it.

Kiyotaka: " ok well I guess I'll see you later then" i let out a small smile obviously it was fake I didn't feel any sort of happiness but I felt it was the right thing to do.

Ichinose: "r-right I'll see you later" her face was a little red I wondered if she was sick.

Kiyotaka: " are you alright your a bit red" I tilted my head slightly confused on why.

ichinose: "y-yeah e-everythings fine" she then quickly ran into her classroom and shut the door.

How strange

Time skip:

Class d this will be my class for my school year I hope the people aren't as chatty as ichinose.

I opened the classroom door everyone had already gone into groups. One group stood out from the rest it was much bigger and seemed to only consist of girls and one boy.

I guess he will be friendly with all the girls in the class and will definitely date the hottest. Meh why would I care, while walking to my chair I felt someone gazing at me i wonder why I'll leave it for now and ask them later for now I wanted to relax in my chair and regain some energy.

A few minutes later a women in want looked to be in her late 20s with black hair in a ponytail and wore a suit. Instantly I could tell she firmly believed in discipline I cant lie she was beautiful she had curves I have never seen on a women and you could tell she took extreme care of herself. She stood infront of the podium and took a deep breath

Chabashira: "hello class my names chabashira sae and I'll be your japanese history teacher. You don't change classes for your whole 3 years here so I'll be responsible for you from now on. I'll tell you about the school so sit down.

She talks about the school rules and everything on campus.

Chabashira: "lastly if you check your phone you should have been allotted  100,000 points this month points will be allocated to you every month
You can buy anything in this school and 1 point is equal to 1 yen.


The classroom erupted and people talked amongst themselves already talking about what there going to buy.

Chabashira: "surprised by the amount of points. The schools judges their students on merit The school thinks highly of you because you got accepted into this school. Anyway that's it do you have any questions"

She looked across the room eyeing all the students until she locked on to me she clearly knew I had a question and I realised since she was looking at me a bit long than she did the others. I stood and took a breath

Kiyotaka: "how many points will we get next month"

The people around me stared and then started laughing.

"Are you death she said we get 100,000 a month" they continued laughing until they heard a loud smack on the podium.


Chabashira: "SILENCE" She then turned back to me and smiled.
"That's a good question but unfortunately thats information I cant give you"

Kiyotaka: "I see, you said we could buy anything with points correct"

Chabashira: "yes I did"

Kiyotaka: "then how much to go on a date with you and you tell me that information" I said It with a straight face

the classroom erupted once again the boys seemed to be looking at me with admiration and probably wondered how I said that so easily.

Chabashira: "W-WHAT did you say"
She was Clearly flustered and I would understand why I mean a student just asked her on a date.

Kiyotaka: "you heard me so how much" everyone in the room stared at me in utter surprise. The room was quite for a few seconds until

Chabashira: "80,000 points" she said under her breath just barely being able to hear it.

Everyone turned back to her in surprise they never thought she would agree. They were even surprised by the price.

Kiyotaka: "so I was right"

Chabashira: "what do you mean"
It felt like she forgot everything that was said.

Kiyotaka: "you also get paid by points don't you I mean why else would you accept that."

Everyone was shocked on what they were hearing

Chabashira:" I'm surprised you figured it out that quick I mean I never thought you would say that just to find something like that out"

After she said that the bell rang signalling the end of homeroom.

Chabashira: "that's the end of homeroom classes will start in a hour" she started walking out but before she closed the door I spoke

Kiyotaka: "I'll pay you the 80,000 later" her face went red again as she shut the door.

A few minutes went by and a boy stood up and walked to the front of the class

Hirata: "since sensei is gone and we have some time lets all introduce each  other. I'll go first my names hirata yosuke but just call me yosuke I do all kinds of sports but I want to join the football club it's nice to meet you

I guess he's going to be the class leader

Kushida:" I'll go next my names kushida kikyo my goal is to become friends with everyone in school so If you plan to go out please consider inviting me"

She will be popular with both boys and girls but I shouldn't be worrying about that what should I say I don't really have any hobbies or interests.

Hirata: "now how about you"

Kiyotaka: "hmm me" everyone started looking at me I guess they were intrigues about me since the stunt I pulled of earlier." My names ayanokoji kiyotaka I play the piano and I like to read its nice to meer you all" i sat back down it was a pretty boring introduction but it wasn't bad.

Hirata: "it's nice to meet you to ayanokoji"

The rest of the day went as normal I walked to my dorm it was small but It had everything I needed i placed my bag on the desk and layed on my bed.

25 students per class and four classes per grade that makes 300 students total if each student got 100,000 per month that's 360 million a year there's no way they could afford that. But let's not worry about that after all I will know soon enough

ayanokoji x sae Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang