Chapter 18 - Reunion

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"Casey... oh my god. You were supposed to be dead. I thought you were..."
"Hey mum it's ok I'm fine"
"But your supposed to be dead"
On and on the conversation went. It is always a loop.
"Mum trust me I'm fine"
"I know I just.... I just.... can't believe your alive you're"-
-"supposed to be dead. I know I know"
"What happened to you? Who's that? How did you get here? How did you survive?"
Casey took a deep breath and explained it all. Even kissing Kai she wanted her mum to know everything. By the end she was out of breath. She was excited, hope now existed in her. Maybe if her mum was alive her dad and Amanda might be too!
"Tell me your story"
"They flew us here. To this camp. Back then it was a marketplace. We had to tear it down and make our own camp. It was exhausting. A lot of kids died from the lack of food and water. If you had been captured with us you would be dead!"
Looking around Casey notices that everyone here was over 20 years old.
"What about Amanda?"
"She was young and used to big meals all the time. She was one of the first to go"
"Go where?"
Casey already knew before her mum opened her mouth. Strangely she wasn't sad. She was sure for years that her whole family was dead. She never had any hope. Amanda was always dead to her. She also didn't remember much about her. She knew she would be more upset if Kai or Noah died. Heck she would be more upset if Anna died. She realised now that she was silly for having hope and it had just made things worse.
"She's dead sweetheart"
"Casey, are you ok?" Kai asks. He hadn't really said much the whole she had been talking with her mum. He sat there sorta awkwardly. Receiving sympathetic looks from mum every once in a while. Especially when Casey told her about Stephanie and Stella. Now he leans in looking worried and Casey took a deep breath and said honestly.
"You sure? because"-
Suddenly Casey starts to cry. Not about Amanda or seeing her mum again. Though they were part of it. This was about everything. All her pain. All her sadness. She let it all out. In one big rush of crocodile tears. She felt her mum's arms wrap around her. She felt her warmth. She knew at that moment everything was going to be okay.
"Time to go now" she heard a sapion say.
"Can't you see she's having a moment" she hears Kai yell
"Don't talk back. Leaving now"
"Give her a little ti"-
Through her tears and snot she sees the Sapion slash Kai across the cheek.
"I said no talking back"
"It's ok, I'm ok" Casey whispers standing up. Waving goodbye she and Kai troop off with the Sapions. Casey expected to be heading back to the cell but they marched straight past it.
"What the hell happened to you?" She heard Noah call as they walked past it.
"Are you guys ok?" Anna calls. Casey didn't say anything back to them; she knew what was happening and where they were going. She sighs at the sight of the MCG.
"Here we go again"

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