"your brother. he's out all day isn't he? he came racing back yesterday and informed your parents that there was this guy with the exact same description as that hooded guy camped just outside the forest. staring right at the kingdom with a scope. he's not ours, we don't have that kind of clothing. i'm sorry."

before kun could pitch his words in, chenle was out the door, running full speed back to his bedroom, tears streaming down his face.

he hadn't fully processed what this meant when he collapsed into his bed, curling into a ball.

he just sobbed, for hours.

only when his tears died down a little bit was when he could really think.

he brought him to his safe place. the only safe place he had. and now he betrayed him.

chenle punched his bed side table, not caring for the blood now creeping down his fingers.

it didn't hurt as much as what he was feeling emotionally.

chenle really trusted park jisung. more than anyone. and now that's broken. just like that.

he thought about all the things he told jisung about himself and his circumstances, he thought about introducing him to his 'home', he thought about everything that could now be used against their kingdom.

everything that could now have a negative affect on his actual home he was fixed on, and it was all because of him.

he was the reason that they could now be taken over. because he trusted the traitor park jisung.

watching as the blood seeped into his bedsheets, he blamed everything on himself.

"you're such a fucking idiot", and he punched the table again.

he decided that that would be the last punch as that one hurt incredibly, and he sat up.

"fuck you park jisung."

he sat there for another few hours, deep in thought.

when he noticed the dried blood becoming uncomfortable, he went to the bathroom to wash it off.

he looked into the mirror while dipping his hands in water, looking at what a disgrace he was.

chenle chuckled, "this hurts so bad"

not the outer wounds he was now vigorously rubbing with water, the internal ones.

wrapping his hand with gauze, he left the bathroom and noticed the sun going down.

he obviously wasn't going to go out that night.

instead, he went to the one thing he had left, yeji.


knocking on the spare room she was staying in, he called her name, "yeji?"

"yes honey?"

he still didn't feel that this was right.

"can i come in?"

"of course!"

chenle opened the door to see yeji sat in her bed, sheets covering her legs.

"have you been crying?"

chenle hesitantly walked over to the bed and sat down.

hating the thought of what he was about to do, he did it anyways, because that was the only support he would get in that moment.

awkwardly, he leant into her, putting his arms around her neck and dug his head into it.

yeji smirked, seeing this as an invitation, and layed down, bringing chenle with her.

he was now cuddled into her side, hating every second of it, but this was what he deserved, right?

"stop crying, for me"

chenle held his disgust down after yeji said that.

he was doing nothing for her, he was the one that needed the help.

he couldn't believe he was now cuddling a terrible person to sleep, but he thought that this would teach him a lesson.

(an. .... sO

'chenle became increasingly paranoid about jisung' in my notes turned into this LMAO

I'm sorry I had to include the Tw material but it really shows chenle's emotions in that moment

I might be projecting how I would act in this situation onto chenle but WHATEVER

it's been 5 days since I last wrote because I've been revising and doing homework ❤️





god he's so iconic


angsty moment <3


uh the year 7s are little pricks omg they were kicking the back of my bag 'dO iT agAiN dO it aGain'

I'm so short they probably didn't think I was a yr11 but if i turned around THEY WOULD HAVE SHIT THEMSELVES

but I didn't turn around ❤️)

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