The connection finally breaks after what seems like forever when he jumps off of me and says, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

I shake my head of the daze I'd been in as I accept the hand he extends to me. He pulls me to my feet and puts his other hand over my upper arm. Electricity seems to shoot through his fingertips and I find it harder to breathe. His dark eyes analyze my face quickly before he says, "Are you all right?"

I squeeze my eyes shut and try to clear my muddled thoughts. "I'm--I'm fine."

Quickly, I shake his arm off, glancing back to the outhouse where Mom has just exited. She looks infuriated, and I don't blame her. Where had this boy come from anyway?

I switch my gaze back to the boy, who sheepishly stuffs his hands into his coat pockets. "I'm sorry."

I bite my lip and cross my arms over my chest. I can't help but notice that he's a good few inches taller than me, yet he seems the same age as I am. "It's alright."

"Me--Skylar!" I hear Mom yell from a few feet away. I run a hand through my hair and shrug at him.

"Sorry, I have to go."

He nods understandingly, running a hand through his hair just like I do when I'm nervous. "Alright," he pauses. "Is there a chance I'll see you again sometime?"

My heart skips a beat. I nod quickly, a small smile flickering over my lips. "Yeah, maybe."


I sigh loudly. "I'm coming!" Then I say to him, "See you around."

He smiles as well, and I turn away, walking up to Mom who looks beyond pissed.

"Who was he?" She asks sharply when I join her side. I don't answer her because I don't know myself. I never had gotten his name, but he probably knew mine because of my delightful mother.


"I don't know," I shrug my shoulders. "He did seem nice though."

Mom looks at me like what I said was insanity. "Skylar," she hisses. "You do realize that could have been--"

A pang of fear erupts in my chest as I catch her hint. What if he was my stalker? He seemed too nice to be...but maybe it's all an act. I mean, he could be trying to ease my mind so I'd lower my guard.

I shake my head, pushing away the thoughts. "No. He was just a boy who I bumped into on accident."

Mom gives me a worried look, but doesn't say anything after that.


The rest of the day is uneventful. For a lot of the hours, I sit in my--Skylar's room, thinking about the boy. My heart would race and do a gymnastics routine every time I would think about him. It seems I already have an attraction to him after only speaking with him for five minutes. What would Laura say?

Nothing, I think. She's dead.

Finally, I go to bed after wasting the day. The bed is, once again, creaky under the weight of my body. To say it's annoying is an understatement.

I twirl my finger over the rough bed sheet that is pulled up to my neck as I try to fall asleep. I can't seem to, partly because I'm afraid of getting another rose, and partly because that boy I had met earlier this morning is still imprinted in my mind. I don't think he'll go away anytime soon either.

Just as I'm about to shut my eyes, something flickers across my window, like a shadow. My finger, which had still been dancing across the sheet moments earlier, freezes. The room turns so quiet that the only thing I can hear is my own breathing. My eyes stare at the window, looking for whatever caused the shadow. I sit there for around five minutes, waiting.

Eventually, I relax. I must have just been seeing things. I am paranoid after all. Flipping over onto my side, I close my eyes, letting the tendrils of sleep pull me into their steel grasp.

Little had I known that my stalker was waiting patiently outside the house, ready to slip through the window to my room and give me yet another small gift that I will surely destroy in the morning.


A new character...what was your first impression? Do you think he could be Melanie's stalker?

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