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"YES!" I kissed him passionately

"whew. I was scared you were gonna say no," he stated as he was sliding the ring on my finger.

"We literally have kids together and you think I was gonna say no?" I laughed as well as he did. I stared into his eyes and remembered all the reason I loved him. His laugh, his smile, his humor, just him being himself. No matter of all the dumb things this man says, I want him to say them to me. 

"Maybe! You never know. Things happen okay?"

I rolled my eyes and gave him another kiss, "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

*couple of months later*

Derek and I have been engaged for a while now. Today we planned on going to taste cakes. "Let's have a big cake." Derek squeezed my thigh as he was driving on the free way. I stared at him in disbelief.

"I say lets not have a big cake. We aren't having a big wedding." I grabbed his hand and leaned my head on his arms.

"I know that but we can have left overs. Also we only have one wedding. I want you to have your dream wedding like how girls always dream about." He smiled

"I never really had a dream wedding. I say we shouldn't over do it. We're gonna have probably like 100 people. So let's plan for that." I suggested

"You're so smart. This is why I love you."

"So you're marrying me for my smarts!" I joked

"Ahh yes. For your smarts and not because you're the mother to my children. Also defiantly not because for your personality." He joked back. I smacked his shoulder. "Ow" He rubbed it and pulled into a parking spot. He turned off the car and quickly got off and opened my door for me. I stepped out and waited to hold his hand. He shut the door and we started walked hand in hand. 

"We should do the corpse bride vowels" I told him

"mmm I don't think I've heard them before" he opened the bakery's door.

I went to wait in line and he wrapped his left arm around my waist, "we'll it goes 'With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine.' We'll watch the movie just so you can see it and because it's a good fucking movie"

"If that's what will make you happy" he laughed"


It was the day of the wedding. Everything has been so stressful. It was about time to walk down the isle and I was freaking out. I can go through with it. I love him. I have no doubt in my mind to. I saw Ali come up to me. "Hey it's almost time are you ready?"

"Kinda? Yeah"

"Don't worry. Everything is gonna be perfect. I made sure of it" She held my hand. We moved the curtain and I saw all out guest seated in their chairs waiting for the ceremony to start. I saw him waiting for me at the alter. He was standing there. Handsome like always. I was about to marry the love of my life. I saw him take a deep breath. In that moment, I saw that he was nervous as well. I smiled happy that I wasn't the only one who was nervous.

The musical started playing. I quickly rushed to start walking down the isle. Ali walked first as she was my maid of honor. As we was 2/3's of the way there. I stepped out and everyone from their seats stood. Derek's eyes met mine. At that moment, I felt everything changed. I was gonna marry him. We were gonna continue raising our family. I was gonna grow old with this man. As i got closer, I saw him crying which made me giggle and my giggle made him giggle. I stood in front of him as we started the ceremony.

We stepped inside the house to take a moment to ourselves. "So I guess you're my husband now." I smiled as I sat down to change my heels to converse. 

"And I guess you're my wife now" He sat next to me. We looked in each other's eyes. We gave me a long deep passionate kiss. "I love you"

"I love you too," I was so happy to be with him. I glad I made the decision to move, to get the house that was right next to his.

"Quicky?" He asked me. 

I hit his arm, "NO" I stood up and started walking towards the guest. That night was the night everything became perfect. It may be cheesy but him and I lived happily ever after.

Derek Gerard (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now