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Y/n P.O.V

I went home completely shocked. 

"How was the doctor?" Ryan asked

"They said I'm not having a baby..." I was looking down

"What do you mean?"

"We're having twins" i answered

Derek smiled so much and hugged me "we gotta buy stuff for a baby girl and boy"

"omg twins? thats amazing!" Ali hugged me

"yeah I'm excited" I smiled and looked at Derek. "We're going to have a family. together" I looked into his amazing beautiful eyes.

"I'm so excited to have a family with the love of life" Derek hugged me, "lets go upstairs and relax"


Derek and I went upstair and just relax.

*skipping to when y/n has the babies*

"they're so beautiful" Derek smiled

"they're our little babies" I told him

"only ours" he gave me a kiss 

I love Y/n forever and always

Derek Gerard (Book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें