Face to face

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It had been an incredibly hectic day for Y/n, attending to customers' orders and assisting with the packing of goods. After all, she worked at a cafe near the University, a busy spot frequented by students. Finally granted a break, she treated herself to a small coffee and bagel, finding solace at a table. As she drank her coffee, she found her thoughts drifting back to events of the previous day, from the moment she left her apartment to the moment she awoke. Curiosity consumed her, fueling her determination to return to the forest and uncover the identity of the person or entity that transported her back to her apartment, wondering how they had known her place of residence. Lost in contemplation, a voice abruptly interrupted her train of thought. She glanced up, only to be met by her coworker Lily, who wore an expression of unmistakable curiosity. "So, who is he?" Lily inquired, pulling up a chair to sit in front of Y/n. "you seem awfully preoccupied, so spill the beans. Who's this mysterious person?" Y/n responded with a hint of confusion "I... I'm not sure what you mean." With a mouth full of bagel, Lily teased, "Girl, it's written all over your face!" Leaning back in her chair, she smirked and laughed. Y/n tried to play it off, blushing slightly, and said, "I seriously have no idea what you're talking about." Crossing her arms , Lily replied With a more serious tone , "Okay... keep your secrets." Suddenly, she leaned closer to Y/n and whispered " Just so you know, you're 20 minutes over your break." Lily sassily got up and backed away towards the counter. Panic flooded Y/n, she immediately stood up, slamming the table and exclaimed, "Shit! I completely forgot I was on break!" lastly pushing in her chair, she hurriedly made her way back to resume her duties. Finally, it was 5 o'clock, and Y/n and her coworkers clocked out, locking up the cafe. She said good bye to her coworkers, then climbed into her car and drove home to her apartment. Sitting in her car, she turned off the engine and found herself in silence, contemplating wether she should venture into the forest. After several minutes of deep contemplation, she made up her mind. "I must go."

She stepped out of her car and hurriedly ran up the flight of stairs, arriving at her apartment. Greeting Buttons at the window, she opened the door and swiftly placed her keys and belongings on the kitchen counter before rushing to her room to change. Buttons followed closely behind. The sky was slightly overcast, prompting Y/N to grab a light jacket and dress in her usual jogging attire. Before leaving, she replenished Buttons's bowls, ensured everything was securely locked, and turned on the outside light. Making her way to the car, she quickly hopped in, started the engine, and set off towards the forest for her investigation. Upon arrival, she parked near the forest entrance, locked her car, and grabbed her jacket, tying it around her waist. Casting a glance at the sky, which had grown cloudier but not yet dark, she proceeded towards the entrance, following the familiar trail she had taken before. As she jogged, she mentally noted key landmarks to remember the exact spot where she had last seen. Venturing deeper into the forest, the lighting gradually dimmed with each step she took. Eventually, she reached the towering old oak tree that lingered in her memory before she had lost consciousness. Coming to a halt, she began to walk slowly, sensing a dense atmosphere enveloping her. This feeling was all too familiar, having experienced it on numerous occasions: in her apartment, in her bedroom-it surrounded her now, in this very moment. Drawing nearer, the intensity of the sensation grew heavier, permeating the air. Fog, slowly emerged from the shadows, shrouding the forest. Realizing that despite her efforts to reach the tree, it remained at a distance, she became frustrated. No matter how fast she ran, it seemed she couldn't draw closer. Panic began to set in as she realized there was something peculiar about this area, and it was likely connected to the mysterious presence she sought. She scanned her surroundings, extending her arms to the sides, and declared, "I know you're here! I can sense you! Coward, reveal yourself! I may not know who you are or what you want from me, but..." Her words trailed off as she turned back to face the tree and stood frozen in shock. At that moment, rain began to fall softly from the sky.

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