Beautiful Stranger

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A cool , crisp breeze dances delicately upon Y/N 's slumbering face, as she finds solace nestled between her pillow and her feline companion , Buttons. Amidst the gentle breeze, a faint voice calls out "Y/n...Y/N". Initially met with silence, the voice gains strength, steadily making its way to Y/N"s ear before abruptly halting. A profound stillness ensues. Suddenly, the voice, now mere inches away, caresses Y/N's ear with a tender utterance, "I'll eagerly await your return, my beloved," as it gently fades into the wind. Y/N's eyes open slowly, attempting to focus. In her half-awake, half-asleep state, she perceives a fleeting shadow at her open window, as though a vigilant presence observed her slumber. Before she can fully grasp the object of her gaze, it vanishes into thin air. She rubs her eyes, sitting up in bed, and gazes towards the window, finding nothing but an empty vista. Turning her attention to the bedside alarm clock, it displays the hour, 3:30 A.M. Buttons, meows softly as he rubs against her left arm, purring with affection. "understand, Buttons, I do. It's far too early for this, but I swear I glimpsed something something by our window," she murmurs, her voice laced with drowsiness. Tenderly, she pats Buttons' back, the lifts him nearer, as she adjusts herself in bed, yearning to slip back into her slumber. "Perhaps it was but a dream," she whispers as she surrenders to the embrace of sleep once more. 

The following morning, her alarm disrupts the tranquility, and she groggily reaches to silence it. Finally succeeding, she reluctantly gets up from the embrace of her bed, yearning for several more hours of cherished slumber before going to school. She turns on the shower, allowing its warmth to permeate the room as she waits. After her shower, she adorns herself with care, blow-drying her hair. As she tends to a section pf her locks, her gaze momentarily fixates on her phone, realizing with a jolt that she is running late for class. Lastly, she unplugs the blow-dryer, grabs her phone, bag, and keys, and promptly departs through the door. Descending the stairs that lead her to the parking lot, she finds herder awaiting her. Eagerly, she slips behind the wheel, and heads off to class. Finally arriving just in the nick of time as the lecture commences. Seizing an occupied seat, Y/N settles in, her mind drifting back to the morning's awakening, contemplating the enigma of why and how she was awakened from her peaceful slumber. As she closes her eyes, she becomes immersed in the memory of that voice, resonating with its velvety timbre-smooth, deep, and masculine. "I eagerly await for your return" echoes through her mind once more. The voice consumes her thoughts, pushing her to the brink of curiosity-was it but a dream, or did reality intertwine with her slumber? Reluctantly, she opens her eyes, only to realize that class has concluded, and her peers commence their departure. Y/N gathers her belongings, gradually exiting the classroom, her thoughts lingering on the enigmatic awakening. Since it is her sole class of the day, she proceeds homeward. 

Y/N made a quick stop at a convenience store to gather ingredients for a delightful dinner. Upon arriving at her doorstep, she was greeted by Buttons. "How are you, my little prince of darkness?" she whispered tenderly, lifting him in her arms while balancing the groceries in the other. With a gentle touch, she closed and locked the door, proceeding towards the kitchen. Setting Buttons down on the floor, she placed the groceries on the counter and opened a cabinet to retrieve a can of cat food. As she opened the delectable feast for Buttons to enjoy, she couldn't help but be captivated by his delight. Afterward, she wandered to her room, contemplating wether to prepare dinner or embrace a productive diversion like a leisurely walk or a jog. Her gaze wandered aimlessly toward the vibrant forest, admiring the kaleidoscope of colors as the wind gracefully caressed the trees, inducing a gentle sway. The forest enticed her not only with its majestic tall oaks but also the various oranges adorning each leaf. "Jogging it Is," she murmured to herself, swiftly donning a cozy sweatshirt and snug jogging pants to ward off the evening chill. Tenderly, patting Buttons' head, she bid farewell and embarked on foot toward the nearby forest. It lay just beyond a bustling intersection, less than a six-minute journey from her apartment. Upon arriving, she proceeded towards the forest's entrance, slipping in her earphones to immerse herself in the melody of her favorite tunes. As she jogged along the forest trail, she became entranced by the different colors of orange and yellow hues adorning each tree's foliage. The sunlight gradually intensified, filtering through the canopy and painting a breathtaking panorama. However, the deeper she ventured into the forest, the more the suns's radiance deemed. Realizing it might be time to turn back, her thoughts were abruptly interrupted as she stumbled over a hidden root, causing her to tumble to the forest floor and loose consciousness. Y/N began to regain awareness, feeling a gentle hand soothingly caressing her forehead. In a dazed panic, she strained to open her eyes, she discovered herself gazing into a pair of luminous hazel eyes that gazed back at her with tender concern.

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