Chapter 7

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The change in Kronii and Mumei's relationship had been less huge than Kronii had expected. Sure they kissed now, flirted openly, and changed each other's nicknames on their messenger to kinda cringe pet names that she didn't want people looking at over her shoulder in public, but otherwise things were pretty much the same. Though they had matched up schedules to a degree when Mumei had started taking later shifts, her streaming schedule meant that Kroniii still went to bed later every night.

Or at least she had done so, every night until now.

1 new message from Bane of my Existence

heyyy kronster

Hey Ame
What's up?

sooooo you know our collab tonight?

I know of it

iiii might have to cancel (-人-)

Define "might"

i gotta cancel :(((

Oh, you okay?

apparently i won''t be if i stream on valentines day night again lol

Uh oh

I know we collab for 'singles awareness day' every year,

I suppose since neither of us are single this year we can make an exception
Have a good time Ame

thanks kronii!
you still gonna stream?

Can't be fucked to come up with a stream idea this deep into the weeds.

collab soon though?

Tomorrow good?

i can make it work :)

Cool. Have a good night.

you too~

Kronii stretched back in her chair and pulled her phone off of her desk. Valentine's day, huh? It was a bit too much of a hallmark holiday for her taste. Then again, she'd also not had a girlfriend on valentines for 10 years, so maybe it was just easier to be a bitter single person. She opened her DM with Mumei.

Hey Mumei, my stream with Ame tonight got cancelled.
Wanna do something cheesy and coupley?

Sure! I know just the thing!

Oh, what is it?

A surprise! ;p
Gonna be a little late home, need to swing by Bae's.

No worries. See you tonight.

"A surprise huh?" Kronii mumbled to herself, placing her phone back down on the desk, failing to not smile at the idea of her cute girlfriend getting her a surprise. "I'm gonna have to thank Ame's partners for disrupting my plans."

Any ideas about getting anything done that day were soon out of the window as Kronii's mind drifted constantly towards whatever this surprise could be. Eventually she decided that she ought to surprise Mumei back, though how was a different matter. It was at this point, far too late to go out... Maybe there was something she had in her room though she could surprise mumei with.

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