To say Kronii's home was nice was an understatement. It was a masterpiece that she had had no small part in making. It was also, however, designed for more than one person to live in, and standing in it alone, it felt almost mockingly big to Kronii. The open plan design now seemed to only amplify her loneliness.

Kronii found herself sighing as she slid two slices of bread into the toaster and pulled out her phone, logging into the burner email account she's set up to look for housemates. Of course she didn't have much hope that there'd be any responses, she'd only managed to put flyers up in that one coffee shop and the library. She was pleasantly surprised then, when there was a new message in the inbox.

To whom it may concern,

I am interested in the room advertised. What is the rent? Also do you need a rental history as I cannot provide that.

With regards,

Nanashi Mumei

"Oh right, rent." Kronii muttered. In truth, she'd not even considered that. A quick search showed that the median rent for the city was, a couple hundred a month, well, she didn't exactly need the cash so... round it down to a nice even five hundred.

Hello Mumei,

Rent is 500 a month. Rent history shouldn't be a problem, but I would like to meet with you first.

Ouro Kronii

Kronii placed her phone to the side not expecting an immediate response, though she was shocked to hear it ping-pong halfway through buttering her second slice of toast.

Hi Kronii,

To check I'm not a betrayer right? I saw your poster at chaos, do you want to meet there today at say, 1pm?

Kronii smiled.

Sure, see you at 1.

"Hey Bae." Mumei beamed as she entered Chaos. "The usual please."

"Oh hey, Mumei. Staying in or taking out?" The shop's owner said, poking her head above the counter.

"Staying in please." She replied, "I'm supposed to be meeting someone at one."

"Oh! You're the one she's been waiting for!" Bae's constant mischievous grin somehow getting wider. "Over by the fireplace. Take a seat I'll bring it to you."

Meanwhile by the fireplace, Kronii pretended to be doing something, anything, on her phone. In such an intimate and quiet space it was hard not to eavesdrop on the only conversation happening, but that didn't mean she didn't feel conscious about it, no matter how inane. "Pull yourself together, Kronii." She whispered to herself.

"Hello!" Mumei's almost singsong greeting pulled Kronii out of her own head.

"Oh, hey-" Kronii responded, turning to look at Mumei for the first time. She was immediately stunningly cute, with big hazel eyes, gentle features and long brown hair tied up in a ponytail. Suddenly conscious that she might be staring, Kronii extended a hand. "Um, Ouro Kronii, nice to meet you."

"Nanashi Mumei, nice to meet you too!" Mumei smiled warmly, taking Kronii's hand, shaking it before sitting down at a seat across the table. "Have you been waiting long?"

Kronii thought about how she hadn't done anything but fret about this meeting since about 5 minutes after it was made this morning. "Not long no. Do you come here often?"

Roommate Wanted. No Betrayers.Where stories live. Discover now