Chapter 6: "A Spark"

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The door only stays shut for a moment. A few seconds pass and Luna comes walking gracefully in, she's very beautiful she is very skinny and tall with blue skin and white eyes with white hair. "Miss my lord has sent me to get you ready." She says bowing. The formalities throw me off. "That won't be necessary call me Jade and you don't have to bow." I say crossing my arms. "But the lord has informed everyone to do so." She says again her head down.
      "I don't care what he says." I say with a smirk. "Anyways what am I supposed to wear?" I ask plopping down on the bed. She takes careful steps towards the closet. "We have some women's cloaks and gowns in here but the lord doesn't like them that's why you haven't been wearing them." She says pulling out a medium length thin white silk dress with long sleeves and a dark blue cloak. "Of course that's the reason." I say scoffing.
     "You know my lord has never showed any kindness at all unless it's towards you, we all saw that incident at the main stairwell the other day, we were all shocked that he only yelled." She says as I start to get undressed. "Kindness? Ha, your joking right." I state more than ask as I slip on the gown. "No miss he really has been very kind to you, he is known here for showing no mercy and being a cruel yet powerful ruler." She says after turning around and we start walking over to the brown wooden vanity in the corner of the room.
       "I believe that part but I can't see any kindness in someone who took everything from me." I say as I sit down on the dark wooden chair. "I can't make you believe me miss but you'll come to know what I'm saying soon enough." She says as her long blue fingers start pulling my  wavy brown hair into a neat bun with braids. She brushes my bangs and puts what seems to be eyeliner and a nude lip shade on me.
       "Luna you are very beautiful do you have a husband or wife?" I ask and a blush spreads across her blue cheeks. "No miss I have no such thing, and you are the beautiful one here not me." She says with a small giggle. "You are very pretty and nice I'm sure the one for you is out there looking for you." I says turning to look at her. "Thank you miss." She says nodding her head.
      "I will take my leave now put on those shoes right there and head down for breakfast my lord is waiting for you." She says bowing before leaving. I give a small wave as she quietly shuts the door. I sigh and go to grab the shoes. They are a pair of thin strapped black heels. I slip them on as if I was back in my college dorm getting ready for a party again. I smile as those memories flood my mind but suddenly stop when that memory pops up.
      I shake my head and head downstairs. "Hello miss I am her to escort you to the dinning hall." A red man that has a grey beard and glasses say with a bow. He is also tall yet hot as tall as Harlow but very muscular "Please call me Jade and what is your name?" I ask curious of this red ones name. "My name is Luca and My lord has required-" I suddenly cut him off "yes I know what Harlow has said but I don't care and you must refer to me by my name." I state as I take his arm and we start walking. "My lord has not given me permission to touch you." He says and I shush him.
      "I don't care and besides I'm touching you." I say with a smile and he blushes. "H-here is the dinning hall right through those doors you will see my lord and you'll have a seat right next to him he has requested you sit at." He says as we approach the huge 20 feet tall doors. "I will see you later Luca." I say waving him goodbye. The dark brown doors have swirling black designs up and down them its mesmerizing. I push them open and there sitting staring at me like a predator is Harlow.
        I see the chair that he has requested me to sit in but I don't want to sit  by him I still haven't forgiven him, and I want him to know that. I pull out the chair farthest from him and have a seat. He grits his teeth and I can see his jaw clench from here. His jet black hair is pulled halfway up into a bun while the rest lays right above his shoulders. He had a white button up with a blue blazer and blue pants on. We are matching.
        I role my eyes at the thought and notice he's still staring. "Where are your earrings?" He asks as we're brought plates of food.  "Oh Luna must have forgotten to give me them." I say touching my ears. How did he know I have my ears pierced I think to myself as he claps his hands. Luna comes rushing in. "bring her the earrings I requested." He says to Luna with a rude tone.
       "Luna don't worry about it it's fine go back to what you were doing." I say and I can feel Harlow staring. Silence fills the room as she waits for him to speak. He doesn't say anything but he puts his hand up and shoos her off. Everyone leaves the room. He gets up from his seat and makes his way towards me. I sit up straight not wanting to look weak.
      I didn't see the big deal with all this because I didn't want her to waste her time on earrings. "What was that?!" He asks angrily and I just shrug. "I don't think she should waste her time on silly little earrings." I say looking into his eyes. He suddenly grabs my arm pulling me up. "What I say goes." He says blankly gripping my arm staring down at me. Even with heels he has what feels like  a few feet on me.
       I scoff and role my eyes. "You will wear those earrings." He says letting go of me. "Whatever you wish my highness." I say bowing sarcastically. I sit back down and start eating. It looks to be eggs and toast with a purple juice that shimmers when the light hits it. Food here tastes just like on earth but sweeter and I get full easier. Luna comes into the room with a box.
      "Here you are my lord and I've brought the matching necklace, my apologies it will never happen again." She says placing the box on the table and bowing. "you are dismissed." He says flatly shooing her off still staring at me.
       I finish my food and my juice and he gets up from his chair. He walks over with the box. He grabs my hand. And leads me to a couch in the corner of the room. He sits and pats down in front of him. "And take off the cloak until we go out." He states with annoyance in his tone. "Why? " I ask not really caring. "Just do it." He says as he rolls his eyes. I pull the cloak off and rest it on my lap as I sit down in front of him my back facing him. He hands me the earrings but not the necklace. I put in the earrings and hold my hand out for the necklace. "No I'm putting this on you." He says and I sigh. "I'm perfectly capable of putting on a necklace." I say and I feel his fingers graze my neck. "You know your very bipolar." I say as I feel his breath fan my neck.
        "When it comes to you I don't know how to act." He says as he clips the necklace but remains close to my neck. I stand up and look down at him. He staring at me with hungry eyes. Loose hair falls around his face and his sharp jawline catches my eye. He takes my hand and kisses it. I just blink at him. "Where did this charm come from?" I ask with a smirk.
"You bring out the best in me." He says standing up still holding my hand as he pulls me in closer. He stares down at me and I have to look up. I look away and he sighs. "Why don't you look at me?" He asks as he lightly touches my chin guiding my head up to look at him. Silence fills the little space between us. We're so close I can feel his breath on my lips.
        "I can't." I state pushing him away. I look up at him and he's staring back. He clenched his jaw and swallows hard. He sighs and pushes the loose strands of hair that fall around his face back. "That's ok I can wait for you." He says with a mellow tone as he tucks his hands into his pockets. Maybe Luna was right about him treating me differently. I think to myself as he walks away and I follow.
          He opens the big brown doors and I follow him down the long  halls till we reach outside. He doesn't say a word as he guides me to the car and opens the door for me. He lightly placed his hand on my lower back as he guides me into the car. It sends shivers up my spine as I sit down and buckle my seat. He gets in on the opposite of me.
It's like a giant limo so there is lots of room. He sits with his legs open as he leans over then crossing his hands on top of his knees. His eyes meet mine and for the first time since the day we met I feel a spark.

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