Chapter 2: abduction

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          I'm woken up to the sound of boots and shuffling outside of my tent. Bright lights shine outside of my tent. I put on a jacket and my shoes and open up my tent. I'm stunned. There are several tall muscular men standing outside of my tent all looking at me. Some of them are blue and purple and the others are red and very pale. All their eyes are just pupils and their ears are pointed. I must be dreaming.
         There is no way in seeing aliens right now. I pinch myself and I'm still seeing them. Two of them come up to me and I slowly back up. "Ok ease stay away." I say and I put my hands up. I glance over and I see one of my heaviest books on top of a box. As one of them gets closer I grab the book and throw it and hit it in the face. I quickly turn and run out of the back exit to my tent. "Grab her we've. been looking for her for forever don't let her get away." I hear one of them yell.
        I run towards the pond and think to myself how in the hell do they know English. I finally reach the pond and I hide behind a tree. I start silently praying that they don't find me. There aren't many places to hide but this was the best I could do. I see four of them with what looked like some kind of gun with each of them run over by the pond. They start speaking in a language I can't understand.
        They all split up and one comes this way. I am clearly out of shape since I'm still panting so I cover my mouth. He walks slowly past the tree. I slowly peek around to see if there still there. There standing in front of me is one of the red ones he smirks and then he hit my with the back of his gun. My head hits the floor and it goes black.
       I open my eyes to bright white lights. I sit up slowly and realize I'm on a plain white floor. My wrist are held together by strong metal handcuffs and something feels tight around my neck. I feel for it and there's a thick metal collar on my neck. I look down and I'm in  all white sweatshirt and sweatpants. What is this where am I. I look around and there are other women here. But there is one clear difference they are all skinny with bright hair and bright eyes were as I have a medium sized belly and a curvy figure my eyes are dark brown and my hair is also dark brown and king with waves. I also have bangs and pale skin with a slight tan and moles and freckles covering my face and body.
        They all look like they would have been cheerleaders in high school. We're in some sort of giant cage and we're surrounded by tall alien men. There are plates of food and bowls of water by the edge. They are treating us like dogs. I see one of the guards talking to one of the men and he points to a red head in the front, she looks very clean and pretty. The guard then walks into the cage and grabs her. She yells and cry's trying to not go. Then her collar beeps and she goes limp. So it shock us. She is then handed to the male as he hands the guard money and she is taken away.
        What was this some sort of trading system. I ponder the question a little longer when another one gets taken. I watch as this one doesn't even put up a fight she just looks to her feet when shes handed off to her buyer. I find a spot in the corner and I sit letting my hair cover my face making myself look unpresentable  just in case one of these alien douchebags decided they want to buy me.
      A few hours pass and more are taken and more come in. I look across to another cage with those who have been returned. They all look scared some of them are bruised. But as far as I can tell when they take you it isn't anything good.  I decide to lay down once most of the men leave. I soon fall asleep. I don't dream at all.
       I wake up and a guard starts walking towards me. They grip me by my forearm and lift me up. I start kicking at him and start panting. "Where are you taking me please put me down. " I start saying trying to fight back tears. He just ignores me and keeps walking. I look down and see he has a small blade on his hip. I desperately reach for it. It takes me a few tries and I finally grab it.
         I stab him right in the side and start running to the nearest door. Before I can even get a few feet away I hear a beep and my body falls to the ground. I look up and I see a tall purple man standing over me. "We'll you've caused quite the ruckus for a human." He says right before I pass out.

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