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I stare out at all the pine trees flying by in blurs of green. Sawyer woke me up this morning and said he had a surprise and to pack for a night. Obviously I don't know where we're going, and that makes me both nervous and excited. Bryan and Elain offered to watch Linda so it's just the two of us. "How far is it?" This is the fourth question I've asked. He hasn't answered any. "Not much farther." Oh wow. Finally a response. I roll my eyes and look out the window. I'm not a huge fan of surprises, but I'll let it slide. We pass through three small towns before he finally pulls off into one of them. I eye him suspiciously. "Why are we in Rockford?" The only things in this town are old bars and a beach. He gives me a cocky smirk as he makes another turn.

After too more turns the Ferris wheel comes into view. I turn my gaze to him and smile. "Are we at the winter carnival." Oh my God, I've heard about it but I've never had anyone to go with, and I thought it would be sad if I went alone. It's one of the largest in our state. I didn't know why it'd end up in Rockford and town with nothing. But I don't care I'm too excited to think. Sawyer barely has time to park before I'm out and running towards the entrance. My head feels a little fuzzy so I slow down, and calm myself. I don't want to ruin tonight. It's our first official date night. I feel a hand warm my own and I look up into my foxys beautiful whiskey eyes. "Can we grab some food first?" I haven't been able to keep much down, so many that's my problem. I should definitely eat. I nod and he takes me to a row of food trucks. They smell divine. "They are so many choices."

I spot a taco truck, Chinese food, Thai food, they even have Greek. My mouth is watering. I send a little prayer to my stomach. Hoping I actually enjoy myself tonight. I tug him towards the souvlaki, and tzatziki. "Greek it is." He announces. We order and find a table. I actually manage to eat half of my meal. I feel proud. Sawyer eats his entire platter, plus my potatoes and chicken. I'm a little envious. After many failed attempts at the rigged carnival games, we decide to go on the Ferris wheel. "It's so beautiful." The small town has a homey feel. From the top of the ride you can see a cute little chapel, a Forrest, and the towns strip mall. It's nothing special, but it's beautiful. "Yeah." I turn to see his eyes on me. Butterflies dance around in my stomach. He eyes seem to scorch my face, and leave it tingling.

I lean in and kiss him. It's a soft quick kiss, but with him it feels a thousand times more then a quick peck. "I love you." I whisper. He grabs me and kissing me with so much hungry. He holds my face in both of his hands devouring my face. When I'm out of breath he pulls back. "I think I've loved you since you smack into my head." A laugh escapes my chest. I think I loved him then too. The ride ends and we wander around to various venders and games. Still no luck on winning. I excuse myself to use one of the public bathrooms. My head feels airy and my face is hot to the touch. This is not a good sign. I splash some water on my face and lean on the counter for balance. Please not now.

A woman washing her hands beside me, eyes me with concern. "I just need to drink more water." I gives an Oopsie look, and she walks away. After I feel okay enough on my own two feet I make my way back outside. I walk up to Sawyers side and I grip his arm for support. "Can we go? I'm not feeling well." He steps in front of me so he can look into my face. "What's wrong?" Worry coat his eyes and he does a sweep of my body, but he won't be able to spot my discomfort from the outside. "I'm just tired. I need to rest." Without another questions of concern he takes me to the car. "We should go home." He fumbles with putting the key into the ignition. His hands shake and his breathing is erratic. I reach for his arm with a lazy hand. It takes a lot for me to lift it.

"Im too tired for that drive. I'll be fine once I sleep." He grips my hand that lays on his forearm. "Im not ready to lose you." He doesn't sound like the carefree man he was before. He doesn't have that same, happiness in his raspy reply. I give him a weak squeeze. It's my way of telling him to look at me. When he does my heart sinks. His eyes are sad and scared. "Im not going today. I promise." Today is all I can promise, and even than it's a risky one to make. He lets out a shaky breath and brings my hand to his mouth. He drives us fifteen minutes away from the fair to a small motel. Is certainly not fancy and someone may have died here. But it's perfect. He grabs our room key and helps me inside. He then leaves to grab our bags and I take the opportunity to drop my veil. I'm in a lot of pain, but I don't want to show him. I just need to sleep.

I take some medication Bryan prescribe me when I feel weak and sore. It helps a little. I've been worse faster then I excepted. I know seven months isn't long, but I was hoping I'd be able to function probably for a little while longer. The door opens and he steps in. He places our bags on the bed and opens mine up. "I'll help you out of your clothes." He pulls out pjs and I shake my head. "I want your shirt." I pull at the hem of his grey T-shirt. He smiles and pulls it over his head and places it on my lap. "Damn foxy, you sexy." My voice is quiet and not at all the flirty tone I was going for. He looks at me with heat in his eyes anyways. He pulls my shirt over my head and snaps my bra off. The act is anything but sensual, but he makes goosebumps spread across my skin and my nipples harden. He ignores my bodies response to him and pulls his grey shirt over my head.

He slips off my jeans, leaving on my panties and helps me to rest my head on the pillow. He kisses my forehead and removes the rest of his clothes before crawling in next to me and pulling me into him. His protective hands engulf my waist and I relax. My head still spins, but I'm more comfortable now. "Goodnight foxy."

"Goodnight Snow White."

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