Chapter 4

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3rd POV. Chihiro's Room, Nakahara/Kurogane Residence.

After Chihiro sent his target to the secret prison where he also sent his targets.......

He went home.

During the next day, Chihiro woke up and he's having a video call with Kamui and Nanami.

Nanami: They finished repairing the school.

Kamui: Really? That fast!?

Nanami: Sounds sketchy right? We don't even know if it's safe or not.

Chihiro: Our school just got attacked, they can't just suddenly call us again in school immediately after that bomb explosion.

Kamui: I know, right? Anyways, I got another scoop! The Minister of Defense went missing last night!

Chihiro: Last night?

Kamui: I bet it's the White Phantom once more.

Nanami: Well, the Minister deserved it. He's a scoundrel. Did you know he's also a pervert who hit on high school girls.

Chihiro: Wha?

Kamui: Well, the White Phantom did expose that crime. I mean, other than sexual harrassment, he was charged with treason, tax evasion, corruption....

Kamui: And apparently, illegal smuggling of weapons.

Nanami: Man, the Phantom sure is aware of the darkest secrets in our society.

Kamui: Well, at least we know that politicians can't be trusted and will only smooth talk everyone. Once they get elected, that's it.

Chihiro: I agree with that. I only saw a few politicians who really cared about their people.

Chihiro: No wonder why some tyrants were assassinated.

Nanami: Really?

Kamui: Well, some of the politicians who were assassinated are: Julius Caesar and Caligula.

Kamui: They are both tyrants, y'know.

Nanami: Right........

Chihiro: You know, if the concept of greed haven't existed in this world, maybe it would've become a better place.

Chihiro: But alas, greed exists, and it will still cause many tragedies. That's the harsh reality.

Nanami: Uh.....that's harsh.....

Kamui: But what Chihiro said is true.

Kamui: Oh, right. Chihiro, you up for another game in Valorant?

Chihiro: Huh? You want to crush another bunch of noobs?

Kamui: Then what do you want to play then?

Chihiro: I got tired of Valorant.

Kamui: Damn you will! Because you only main one character and that's Sova.

Kamui: You always got that big brain gameplay of using your recon darts, as if you know their every move.

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