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I meet Maria in the garage "Why did you need me exactly?" "I need some stuff from an old spot of mine and-" "And you cant leave the tower without me I heard you over Clints coms. The echo in that room is really good." She said as we got in her car.

"So where is this place?" "Just by the old warehouses on the edge of town- actually it is one of the warehouses." As it was by Harry Styles came on and I started to sing. "You know its not the same as it was, as it was, as it was. Leave america two kids follow her, I dont wanna talk about the way that it was." Out of the corner of my eye I could see Maria smiling.

When we got there Maria parked infront of the warehouse and came walked with me to the doors. "How are you going to open that?" "Like this!" I said as I moved the rock and picked up the key. I unlocked the lock and pulled off the chains. We opened the doors and i watched as Marias face went from confusion to shock. I swung up to the second floor and into my room. I took the old backpack with my spare suit and a few shirts and skirts. I walk down the stairs to Maria and we walk out. I lock the warehouse and we drive back to the tower.

It was a longer drive back since there was traffic now and Maria was telling me a story. "Ya know I had a little girl named Shiloh. We used to do everything together-" "Its okay if you dont want to tell me-" "-No I was going to say that she was a lot like you." "Thanks" I said with a smile and we arrived to the tower.

I went to my room and messed around all day. After dinner I was planning on going on patrol again. I ran back to my room and changed into my suit, but just before i hopped out the window the door opened revealing Kate another new girl. I just put one finger to my lips and she nodded and walked out.

I went around town and stopped a few muggings and some small armed robberies. I saw some red and blue lights on a roof so I decided to check it out. When I got there it was a girl maybe two years younger than me and...Wanda?! They were practicing magic I think its a little hard to tell from so far away. Wanda turned around and spoke "You can come out I know your there!" Her sokovian accent coming out a tad.

I swung to the roof they were on and sat down as Sanda almost blast me with her magic. "Woah magic hands chill its me!" I said taking my mask off. "Who's that-" "Why are you out of the tower you could get hurt-" Okay chill ms gworl "I was on patrol" I said shrugging "Hi im Shiloh, who are you?" I said as I looked at the girl. "America Chavez" "Okay well im going to head back and make sure Kate didn't title on me."

I swung back to the tower and into my room where Natasha was waiting. "Kate?" "Kate" she said as she nodded her head. "Okay so Maria left for a mission but im not letting you off the hook. You know your not supposed to leave without someone, and what is with that outfit?"

"It's a suit" I said looking at my feet. I hated being yelled at by people I loved. Tears pricked my eyes as she kept talking. She sighed really loud and put two fingers under my chin making me look at her.

"I love you kid, Maria does too, the whole team. We just want you safe okay? Im sorry if I was a little harsh but I care about you." She said with a soft smile. I just hugged her and she played with my hair "Only one person has ever said they love me" I said through my tears. "Well I can guarantee more than one person loves you" She said as she squeezed me. "Go to bed you need the rest, your still a baby-" "Hope said that exact same thing" I said with a small laugh.

Maria wasn't back till monday after school and Tony said this is the one time I could go alone. When I got back from school I went to Natasha and Maria. "Hey um my school is having a parent meeting thing and its mandatory that you bring someone....and I was wondering....if you would want to come? I mean you dont have to I can-"

"We would love to" They both said with a smile. "Thank you thank you thank yoooou!" I said as they laughed. In the two days Maria was gone Natasha and I had gotten closer and now I can call her Nat!

Since I got the intern ship for Stark I just went home and fucked with Tony untill the other kid arrived. It was Peter. I was part glad it was him because I hated hating him but he could have saved me. We talk every now and then over work and school but almost never just talk about anything. But hey its progress right?

After the internship I walked to the living room with Peter. We walked in to Clint watching a Marilyn  Monroe documentary, then Steve and Buck walked in. "Hey did you two ever meet her considering you were famous and all?" "No?" "Boring"

"-she committed suicide in her bedroom-"

"That is bullshit!"


"Shut up Steve- she didn't kill herself she was murdered-"

"Totally" Peter said as we all kept watching the tv. Me and Peter sat down in front of the couch, Wanda behind me and no one was behind Peter. After awhile I wound up half leaning on Peter, and half on Wanda, as my eyes slowly shut and I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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