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I took it out and went to put it on but the suit stuck to my hands. I tried to get it off but it wouldn't. I kicked the suit out of my hands with my foot but now my foot was stuck to the wall. I tried to unstick my foot but I couldent. I took a deep breath and after a second my foot was no longer stuck to the wall. I tried on the suit and it was pretty comfy. I took it back off and put it back in the bag then put the bag back in the floor. I lay my head down and drift off to sleep again after time had flown by.


I was in a big house this time it was nice. I was short so I guess I was younger in this dream. I was proven correct when I was picked up from a crib and into a young womans arms. "mama!" I said and the woman smiles at me as if I was a peice of gold. "Good morning to you to shiloh!" she said with a little laugh. Wait shiloh? This is a dream right? What if this actually  happened? The nurse did say I had memory loss. It might be- theres a chance this happened to me I guess?

She carried me down a flight of stairs and we sat on a couch eating breakfast and watching tv. This is nice. The moment was cut off by her phone ringing. She got up and answered it as I watched her from afar. It seemed as if I was this womans child. I watched her face turn into worry as she cried running looking for something. She came back in one of those suits with the bird on her shoulder. I watched as she put her brown hair up into a bun.

"Yes sir I'll be there. Okay thank you Furry." she said in a low voice then ended the call. "wa' was dat mama?" I said and more tears came to her eyes. "Remember how I said someday you would stay with your brother and dad? Well todays the day!" she said with fake joy and a weak smile as she picked me up and we got in a car and drove. We stopped at the old house again but it looked less broken down, seeing as this was a few years before the last time i saw it.

I was picked up again and put into a mans arms as they talked. Eventually she left and the man I guess was my dad closed the door with a loud crash.


I woke up as the door crashed shut. Okay so the woman was my mom and the man was my dad. Who were they? Where were they? Would they even remember me? Then I remembered the suit she wore. I wound up walking to a library and looked up what the suit ment. It was a government thing, it was like the army but it did more and delt with unnatural things. Wich led me to do some research on the avengers. A group of earths mightyest heros. So my mom worked for S.H.E.I.L.D wich also worked with the avengers so maybe they knew her?

After around 2 hours of research I decided to go back to my place. Unfortuanitly I ran into the same social worker from a few days ago, and now I was in a car again going to a new home. It was only around 7 A.M so this would probably be a long day. We arrived at an aparnment building and we walked up the stairs and down the hall untill we were at the right door.

The social worker knocked and a few seconds later the door was opened by a boy that looked around my age. "Hey whats up?" she said something and he went to get someone. A few more seconds passed and a woman around her mid 30's came out of a diffrent room and talked to the worker. A few minutes later I was in the aparntment being sighned up for school. An hour later I was on a bus with the boy whos name I learned was Peter.
I went to the office and then Peter showed me around. I was lucky that we had some classes together so I was not alone all the time. It was really boring basic learning stuff, then lunch came around and I walked to the cafiteria with Peter as he talked about his friends. There was a boy named Ned and a girl named MJ. Based on what he says about them they are nice.

I sat down at a table with Peter and got introduced to his friends. "So where you from new kid?" Ned asked "I have no clue" I said as they all looked confused "How do you not know where your from?" peter said so I explained "Well like a month ago I was rushed into the ER with blood and cuts all over me. I guess whatever happened was pretty had because i can't remember anything before that." They all looked shocked but we just talked untill lunch was over.

School ended and Peter was showing me a video of a person in a white and purple suit swinging around the city. They called her the spider and guess who had her suit? Thats right me! Anyway I noticed that when she shot a web she would do this hand thing so when I was in the shower I copied it and a web shot out of my wrist- A WEB!

Okay so I could stick to stuff from my hands and feet and I can shoot webs out of my wrists. I keep having dreams that seem more like forgotten memories, and I have someone named S's diary. The gears slowly turned as i thought of one wild, very likely, thought.

S was for Shiloh, and i was Shiloh. I have powers and that spider had powers. The night I was brought into the ER was the last time she was ever seen. I was the spider. I did some research on myself after i got out of the shower.

the spiderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon