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I woke up still in the warehouse in my suit so I very quickly changed and ran back to may and Peters apartment. When i stopped infront of the door to catch my breath I heard voices inside.

"May im sure she's fine! I'm sure she just went somewhere and fell asleep there! She's fine!" I heard Peter reassure May as I opened the door. "OMG SHILOHS BACK" Peter yelled as Mays head whipped around to look at the door. She rushed over and I was put into a very tight hug.
"Hey sorry I went to uhm...a frieinds house and slept over. I would have called...but I don't have a phone..."

"We are getting you a phone today missy!" and with that me Peter and May were all in the car driving to get me a phone. I couldn't stop replaying how May was so worried when I didn't come home. It was sweet that she cared I didn't have anyone like that since I was around 5 when my family died. Thats if they were memories and not dreams.

We got to the store and May got me a phone and a case, and as soon as we got to the aparntment I got my first phone number. Peter invited MJ and Ned over and they taught me how to use everything. Peter was teaching me how to use snapchat and out of the corner of my eye i could see May leaning against the door frame watching with a big smile on her face.

We spent the whole day going through how to work a phone that it was soon time to go to bed. I grabbed my suit and some pajamas and went to go change. I lay in bed for around 20 minutes when I heard Mays breathing slow, but for some reason I could not her Peters breath.

I took off my pajamas and put on my mask, slipping out the window. I swung off and went back to the warehouse when I stopped on the top of a building to get a better look at two women walking across the street who looked very familure. One of them, the shorter red head stoped mid sentence and turned to look right at me as she tilted her head gaining the older red heads attention. They both looked at me than eachother and when they went to look back at me I was gone.

I made it to the warehouse and this is probably the one time im glad I took coding. I took off my mask and took out my phone to do the one thing I don't know how I didn't think of sooner. I has going to hack S.H.E.I.L.D. I looked up my name and read up on everthing I could. There were some old files, but what caght my eye was a newer file on the exact papers I had sitting infront of me of how they wanted me to make a trade.

I looked up the spider and there was an active mission tab on me. They spied on me and even tried to find out who I was and still were. This tab was opened.....5 moths ago. That was before the ER so....I was the spider before this no questions asked. I put my phone down and took a deck of cards i stole from Peter, red, yellow,green string and thumbtacks.

I put the cards on the wall, each with diffrent writing on them about diffrent things. A few about what all the dreams ment, one on the spider and more about Ross and that octopus badge thing. It was neering 5 so I put my mask back on and phone in my pocket and swung back to the apparntment. I quickly hid my suit and changed back into my pajamas and went to sleep for two hours before I had to be up again.


"Your mom died along with your brother and father."

I ran not knowing where my legs would take me. I wound up at my old house but now it was all broken down again. Two men invited me in the house and gave me food. I stayed with them for about a month before it all went to shit. They started to fight a lot more and it always got violent. One day I was sat on a bench and shouts filled the house and I ran away.

Wait...this was my first dream...same as last time I ran into the warehouse and cleaned it all I felt a small prick on my leg like last time and I went to bed waking up in the warehouse still. I went into the city further and asked people for money and I guess the fact I was skinny and covered in mud and dust helped me look like I needed it because I wound up getting 30 bucks. I bought what was now the bed at the warehouse and some books. I brought it all back to the warehouse and it looked exactly the same as now just less dust.

A year went by in a blur and I was now 13? I had figured out I had powers and I had a suit but it was different from the one I had now. It was a white hoodie and sweat pants with a purple vest and shoes along with a purple ski mask with violet goggles. I went on swinging around the city saving people from criminals. I had just stopped another mugging when suddenly 5 men with that octopus badge came up to me and tried to take me. I wound up webbing them up and calling the cops. "What would hydra want with me? I'm not even a big hero?" i said as i swung back to the warehouse.


I woke up in my room this time and went to school with Peter. During lunch I hacked  S.H.E.I.L.D again and read everything that they had on hydra. It turns out they were the guys with the octopus badges. I tried to look into who Furry was from the dream I had when I was a toddler. I was really close but suddenly it said I was kicked from the system.

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