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DISCLAIMER: i would like to start this off by clearly stating that i do not support jess as a creator whatsoever

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DISCLAIMER: i would like to start this off by clearly stating that i do not support jess as a creator whatsoever. her actions and choices when it came to a lot of her characters and series have not been great. that being said, her roleplay series were also a huge part of my childhood and do still provide me some sort of comfort today and it's a part of my life i really miss.


➤✎ rule one; tagging

please wait at least two days before tagging me. i am a full time second year psych/crim major, and i tend to struggle a lot with motivation and mental health as a whole. trying to get help but it still can be really tough for me to respond at times. i don't mind tagging since i often just forget, but please please please try your best to be patient with me and i will do the same for you.

➤ ✎ rule two; original characters

please for the love of all that is unholy and good i am begging you  not to make your character completely and utterly perfect. we are all human (even if your oc is not), we have flaws, and that  includes your oc as well.

note; mental illnesses are not flaws. i will be extremely livid if you try to pull that with me. and if you are going to give your character any mental illness or disability, make sure to do your research and portray it correctly.

rule three; bullying & harassment

i do not condone any form of bullying or harassment. homophobia, transphobia, racism, islamphobia, misogyny, etc.  are all banned. if i catch you being rude to anyone then it will  result in an immediate ban. i have ZERO tolerance for that sort of behaviour and will not hesitate to call you out. and if anyone is being rude to you through pm, please let me know!!

also feel free to make your oc whatever ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, etc. you'd like. i am accepting of absolutely everyone and as long as you're character isn't doing anything gross/illegal (such as pedoph!lia or anything of the sorts), then i am excited to see what you've chosen to create! i absolutely love seeing different and diverse characters!

➤✎ rule four; triggering topics

please do not have your oc constantly trying to harm themselves, please. i have struggled with that stuff in the past, so that being brought up out of no where with absolutely no  warning doesn't sit with right with me.  please try and go light on backstories too— don't make it too intense please.  i am completely okay with some hardships and loss (my oc has some as well) but sometimes it's taken just a little over the top and is a little too much. it doesn't happen often though so don't be afraid to give it some death! it's a very very rare scenario for me to have an issue with a backstory, but it has happened once in the past and it was enough to warrant me saying something.

that being said, there will be scenarios that deal with trigger topics such as SH and suicide, but i will ALWAYS include a trigger warning, and if i EVER do anything to make you uncomfortable please let me know immediately!!

topics i refuse to roleplay include;
sexual assault/r@pe, incest, grooming/pedophilia, and other things along those lines.

rule five; literacy & grammar

i am a literate to semi literate role player, so my responses can get lengthy at times. so, i am asking that you give me at least six lines in your response. i am not asking to match my energy constantly, of course not! i am just asking that you give me enough to go off of. also i am a bit of a grammar nerd so please please please use punctuation and quotations. thank you!!

➤ ✎  rule six; smut & swearing

i swear like an absolute sailor so i am completely fine with it as long as it isn't over used and it remains censored within the comments so this book is not flagged.  password is you comfort song/artist.

as for smut, i am not comfortable doing it unless i know you and/or know you're age, so i will not be posting scenarios for it. i am 19 years old and i know a lot of the people who roleplay are under the age of 18 and that just makes me really uncomfortable roleplaying that stuff with people below that age. so unless i know you and/or know you're old enough for that stuff, it's a no. if you are 18+ and the characters are OF AGE (meaning no pdh) then maybe it'll be considered if i am asked. lying = blocked.

➤ ✎ rule seven; love interests

you may have a max of two love interests per oc. i understand that different people work better for different scenarios, i completely get it! same one as my oc? no problem, i'll change mine. i want this to be enjoyable for you. all i ask is that you play mine if i play yours. keep in mind that i may not be perfect at playing some characters, but will try my best. password two is do you have discord or would you be willing to roleplay through pms? the wattpad comment section is not ideal.

oc x oc and canon x canon is allowed too! i am also fine with any (legal) ship!

there is two passwords now included somewhere on this page, so please include it with your form/ask to tag. thank you and i hope you enjoy!

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