Chapter 16 - Long Time No Talk

Start from the beginning

"I'm not a damn idiot either, Gio. Let me talk to her," Ash says firmly.

"So little faith in family?" Giovanni taunts.

"You're not family, man. To hell with that."

Ash doesn't respond further and he can hear the air as it moves through the speaker, what sounds like a door opening and closing on top of it. Ash waits on a bated breath and the phone shuffles when Giovanni presses the phone to the side of Serena's face, the strands of her hair sticking to her skin as she does her best to ignore the ache in her shoulder.


His entire soul shudders as his back touches the wall for support at the sound of her voice, shaky and breathless, but alive.

"Serena! Are you alright? Did he hurt you? I'm getting you out of there. I promise."

"Don't," she pleads and Ash feels a dread clamp on his throat at how small her voice sounds. "Don't come here, Ash. You can't put everyone in danger because of me. This is my fault. Sawyer, everything. I'm so, so sorry."

Ash remains stubborn. "Listen to me, don't say that. I'm the one who's sorry. I'm bringing you home. I need you back home. With everyone, with me."

"That's enough, Ash! Don't be reckless! Just let me go. It's not worth it, I'm not worth it," Serena lashes out, on the edge of a cry, clinging to anger and frustration in hopes it would stray Ash away. She thinks of him, of Dawn and Misty, even Miette and their laughter and banter in the morning light.

"I can't, Serena. I can't do that." Ash feels his own tears push behind his eyes, holding onto the same memory. "You are worth it. More than you'll ever know."

Suddenly, Serena's voice breaks in a way that haunts the shadows of Ash's mind. Giovanni pulling the phone away and shoving his palm into her shoulder, renewing the wound with a fresh wave of agony to draw the cry he wants out of her.

"Stop! Get the fuck away from her!" Ash demands and Giovanni's already laughing by the time he brings the phone back. Ash can hear Serena choking over reassuring words, trying desperately to convince him.

"I-It's fine, Ash. I'm okay. Don't listen to him."

Giovanni's volume overpowers hers. "She'll be more or less alive. Don't worry. Three hours, son, or it won't be long until I do more than just flesh wounds."

"Always a damn bastard," he curses.

Giovanni's low rumble of a laugh is heard and the phone clicks, leaving Ash alone once again with a storm that doesn't relent. His clothes are soaked through, but he's warm, a fury burning across every scar that is kissed by where the rain meets. The grey skies and earth are muddled in shades of red in his eyes, the painting imperfect without Giovanni's blood to fill the spaces of his vengeance. The world is quiet and the rain filters in like static when a puddle splashes beneath a boot and his name is called.


He looks up and Miette's eyes widen with surprise. There's tear stains on his cheeks that don't quite match the fall of the rain and she steps closer. "Ash, what happened?"

He answers emptily. "Giovanni is what happened. It's his fault. He has her. I have to go after her."

Ash pushes off the wall and his stride is purposeful as he tries to make his way past Miette who stops him with a firm hold on his shoulder. "Ash, hold on. We need a plan. You can't just rush in there."

He growls and tries to shove her away. "Let go of me, Miette. I'm not playing around. I have to go."

The moves are sloppy and Miette is one who has always known Ash better in a way, leaning back from his attempt to swipe her wrist away before pushing him into the wall and forcing him to look at her. Miette frowns at the way she can see grief and rage swirling in every corner of him face, from the bite over his lower lip, the furrow in his brow, and the golden pools of his eyes rimmed red. She shakes his shoulders once and Ash's eyes flicker in recognition.

"It hurts, Ash, I know that. We'll make him pay — for Sawyer too, okay? But we can't save Serena if your head isn't on straight. Do you understand? You'll get yourself killed, you idiot," Miette says steadily, her jaw set in a firm line, an echo of Ash's own expression.

"I don't care-"

"You should fucking care, Ash," she interrupts, catching his eyes again and holding them firm. "She cares about you. She cares about us. Don't throw yourself away to prove that you do. Knowing her, she's probably doing the exact same thing and you know what? You're both idiots! Giovanni doesn't get to have that." Miette isn't one to shown physical affection, but she moves to grip Ash's hand to comfort him and she feels him gently squeeze back which she smiles at. "C'mon cuzzo, think. You know how to fix this."

Ash exhales a breath from his lungs shakily, his body relaxing as Miette slowly lets him go. He scrubs a hand over his face before brushing the damp strands of hair back before nodding. He takes a moment to look at the sky above and how desperately he wants to see the sun.

"I'll be counting on you to save me," Ash says quietly after a while, ruffling Miette's hair and before she gets the chance to yell at him for that, he's touching his forehead to hers in a semblance of an embrace.

Miette sighs and responds with a solid punch in his shoulder. "You and Serena owe me, I swear. You're both insufferable."

Ash rubs the sore spot, feeling reassured with her behind him. "You can tell her that part when we all come home."

At that, Miette grins. "Deal."

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