Chapter 4 - A Challenge

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The sun shines brightly through the large window as Serena wakes from her slumber, quite disoriented at the sight of a canopy above her until she realizes where she's at. She lifts her head from the comfy pillow and rises from the bed, running her fingers through her honey-blonde hair, and frowns once she looks down to see herself still wearing her designer clothing.

She looks around the room and takes a notice to a note slipped under her door. She moves from the bed and walks over, soon picking up the piece of paper that had somewhat manageable penmanship to read.


Hope you slept well last night. There should be a change of clothes and toiletries outside your door waiting for you. Take the elevator that's down the main hall once you're all ready. I'll be waiting for you in the dining room.

— Ash

Unconsciously, Serena bites her lip with a smile creeping up on her face at that. She slowly opens the door to find a large basket filled with an assortment of clothes, toothbrush along with toothpaste, body wash, and a comb. After she was done gapping at the contents, she closes the door.

Although her own clothes were nice as a fashion designer, the clothes in front of her seemed much more expensive looking. She walks over to the bathroom connected to the room, flicking on the lights as she was presented to a wide vanity and marble countertops. Without hesitation, she does what she needs to do.

Walking out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body, she sorts through the clothing. She looks through the basket and settles on an outfit that fits her perfectly. She turns to the mirror and her satisfied smile completes it all.

She chooses a thin, black turtle with a blue pendant dangling from her neck. The shirt tucks into a pair of high waisted jeans, a thin belt with a plated buckle through the loops. She poses, back to the mirror and turns her head, black ankle boots that match with the leather jacket on her shoulders to finish the outfit off.

If Ash was supposedly the one who got everything for her, especially the clothes. Serena would be even more surprised at the man. Though, she had her doubts.

She makes her way out the room and walks down the hall, still taking in how big the place really is. She thinks back to the note, remembering to take the elevator, and strides into it. She's able to admire her reflection on the glassy walls for a few seconds until she hears a ding for her designated floor.

Upon getting to the main floor, the elevator doors open as she wanders around, following a certain scent of breakfast in the air along with coffee. She arrives in the banquet hall, the table in the center stretching in lengths of blackwood, decorated in fine porcelain plates and gold cutlery.

At the head of the table sits Ash, who was questionably staring intensely at the clock on the wall as the line took its time around. He was wearing a black button down neatly cuffed and pressed with the top two buttons undone, sleeves rolled up to the elbow. His black hair seemed to look like bedhead, but he still managed to pull it off like a handsome man. At her arrival, he turns his head and lets his eyes stop on her, his piercing gaze running up and down her figure which makes Serena slightly embarrassed.

Although, she shouldn't be because she looks stunning, but somehow Ash thinking the same makes her heart skip more beats than it shouldn't. She believes she needs to get that checked out immediately.

"Good morning, Ash," she greets, walking towards him. It isn't clear what the leader thinks, but the way his mouth goes agape gives her an idea. "So you were waiting for me."

"Morning," he replies with a smile, letting his hand fall to his lap. "Yeah, of course I was waiting on you. You look great, Serena."

"You don't look too bad yourself," she says, a teasing tone heard within the remark.

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