"You're supposed to be double-teaming Kagami, idiot!" Kasamatsu grumbled at Hayakawa. "Besides, if you stick closer to the invisible boy you'll only be more susceptible to his mis-whatever." The captain explained, but after saying that his own eyes widened. He had just gotten an idea, possibly even discovered how to stop Kuroko's Phantom Shot. He knew how his shot seemed to disappear!

    With that thought, Kasamatsu told the others to leave Kuroko's Phantom Shot to him, he would take care of it. The others were surprised, but they trusted their captain, he definitely knew what he was doing.

    "I don't have time to explain it to you, so leave it to me." Kasamatsu said. "It's almost time for them to bench Kuroko, but I won't let them do it for free. I'll crush one of their weapons right before he goes out." He said looking almost sinister.

    The game went on and Kaijou managed to score. Koganei looked at Riko.

    "Coach, it's almost time to sub Kuroko out, right?" he asked her.

    "Yes, the next time the ball goes out I'll sub him out. Mitobe-kun get ready to go in." she instructed and Mitobe nodded.

    After that, their eyes widened slightly at what was going on in the court. Izuki had the ball and Kasamatsu was marking him, but he was marking him a bit far away. Why did Kaijou's captain leave so much space between them?

    They got their answer soon enough. Kasamatsu had done that because that would make Izuki pass the ball to a certain someone instead of trying to shoot it himself. Izuki did exactly as Kasamatsu had planned, he passed the ball to Kuroko for him to make his Phantom Shot.

    Kuroko positioned himself to shoot the ball and Kasamatsu put himself in front of him. But the dark haired captain surprised everyone again when he took a few steps back instead of being almost on top of Kuroko to jump and block the ball.

    Kasamatsu had discovered that what made the ball seem to disappear was the fact that they were always too close to Kuroko. The opponents always thought that the ball's trajectory was high, but it was just the opposite. Kuroko being shorter than them and shooting the ball at the level of his chest instead of the top of his head like a normal player, made his opponents look down and lose sight of the ball when he shot it.

    Because Kasamatsu took a step back from him, his field of vision was much larger and he could see the ball's trajectory perfectly. After that it was simply too easy to stop it, and that's what he did. When Kuroko shot the ball, Kasamatsu could see it, so he jumped and blocked it. Kaijou's captain destroyed Kuroko's Phantom Shot all by himself and Seirin couldn't believe their eyes. Not even Murasakibara had been able to do that, Kise only did it while using the power of two Miracles, and Kasamatsu did it all by himself, without any extraordinary power.

    After that, the ball went out and Kuroko was called to be subbed out. Riko was worried because, although they were already going to sub Kuroko out, it gave the impression that they were doing it because Kasamatsu stopped his shot. That idea was wrong, but it could give the team and mostly Kuroko the wrong message. Riko didn't want Kuroko to think he was being called because he failed, that could hurt the team's morale.

    Kaijou on the other hand was ecstatic. Their captain had just destroyed Kuroko's weapon and now he was being subbed out. There was no doubt Seirin would feel shut down.

    Until a certain someone said something.

    "Damn it, Kasamatsu-senpai, why do you have to be so cool?" (Y/N) suddenly asked loudly and the boy looked at her stupidly.

    "Huh? What?!" he asked her, looking a bit annoyed with the lack of effect his actions had on her but also embarrassed with the compliment.

    The boys from Kaijou were a bit dejected, that wasn't the reaction they were expecting Seirin to have. Seirin was supposed to feel defeated, but here their manager was, complementing the opposing captain. 

The Trump Card - Kuroko no Basket Season 3 (Akashi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now