7am came and went, slowly passing over eight while nine was filled with you studying a little in front of the TV, 10am was the time to make yourself some breakfast and stop the aching in your stomach while eleven was spent nestled back in your books. Mid day you decided to waste the next three hours with sleep and four o'clock was soon on your doorstep.

Admittedly you could have been a little more productive, perhaps putting some washing on but sleep sounded much more pleasing. College had been hanging off your back like a child craving attention ever since the final year dawned on you. You knew it was going to be difficult, but not this difficult. It drained you down to the core on the contrary that you weren't the only one who was feeling this way.

Finally bringing yourself to sit up your blurry eyes caught sight of the TV screen, displaying the 'are you still watching?' Netflix notification. You groaned, feeling sleep trying to take over again when you knew you needed to stay awake. The party started at seven, so you needed to up and ask Peter now so you would each have time to get ready, that's if he was feeling up to it.

Stretching out, you pushed the blanket off of your legs, the heat from your skin evaporating practically immediately leaving you shivering. Your teeth began to chatter as your feet hit the cold floor, now off of the carpet, as you wondered around to your bedroom to look half decent for asking Peter.

Peter had managed to sleep the day away, only waking up once around an hour ago to use the bathroom before diving back under the quilt. He'd fallen back into the abyss instantly, healing the black rings under his eyes.

It wasn't rare that Peter would dream in his sleep, usually something about his past, the majority of the time being nightmares. But, there were times where the world would let him have a break from chaos, and treat him in a way.

Peter had become quiet fond of wet dreams over the months of living alone, as before he would do anything to keep them away. Now he was more than welcoming to them. Although he never remembered them when he woke up, he certainly knew he'd had one. The reason being the painful ache he'd awake with, his cock throbbing behind his pyjamas. It resulted in him sleeping completely naked most nights, as to have to feel the uncomfortable grip the clothes had on his length was no short of excruciatingly painful.

There had been moments where the dream had been so mentally pleasing he'd woken in a mess, sheets sticky and the bed unmade, quilt thrown on the floor and all. Not to mention every time it happened he'd wake in a boiling hot sweat, panting breathlessly. It almost seemed real.

And that's how Peter had awoken around twenty minutes ago, trying to calm himself down. It was already hot in his room, but his rising body heat was only making it worse. It was at times like these Peter seriously considered getting the shortest hair cut possible, because feeling his thick curls sticking to his forehead and the back of his neck- uncomfortable wasn't the word.

Most day's Peter would be too tired to put himself at work trying to rid of the unbearable horny-ness, but today it wasn't the case. Usually the pain would dissipate after a while and his cock would soften, but today it was strung up tight even after ridding himself of any sinful thought, the tip desperate for attention. His balls where heavy, ready to explode so much so that Peter just had to touch himself.

And you knew.

The second you came out of the bedroom you could smell him. Practically feel the pain on your side of the wall, having to sit down to contain yourself. The second Peter wrapped his hand, unnecessarily tight around his base you almost screamed. This isn't usually what happens... Sure you can smell it, but not feel it like you were there with him...

To no consideration, because of course he had no clue, Peter wasn't resisting. He was going hard. You could sense his fingertips digging into the tangled bed sheets, his other hand squeezing the tip each time he pumped. Thinking about it, Peter had never been this rough before, like he was desperate for sweet release more than any other day.

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