kids meet elena

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- Lillys pov - 

After my jump I fall flat on my ass on the ice with a groan. «Lilly what was that? you never mess up the takeoff» my coach Kimberly Lewis tell me as I get up from my fall. 

«Sorry Kim. I took off on the back of the blade instead of the toe pick» I was supposed to do my triple axel that we are working hard on, but I fucked it up. I've been working on it for months because it's the hardest figure skating jump females do, and I want to nail it before competitions start for this season. I'm not eligible to try for the Olympics yet, and I haven't decided if that's what I want to do either. But I'm doing what I can to at least keep me in the game until I decide for sure what I want to do. I skate at least four times a week now, 3 hours each time and then conditioning and yoga as well. It keeps me in shape and eligible to be competitive, but it also gives me room to be a teenager. During the peak of the season, I will skate more I think, but for now four times a week is enough. 

«Get your head in the game Lilly. You know how to do it properly; I don't need to tell you. Just do it right next time» she tells me, and I nod. She is a hard coach, but she does it with love and care. She is a former Olympian and I value her insight and support in my attempt to get there too. And I know how to do an axel, I've been doing the double for a few years now, but now I have my eyes set on the triple. But when I take off on the back of the blade instead of the toe pick it throws the whole jump off and it inevitably end with my ass crashing on the ice. when you do a triple most skaters skid the forward takeoff edge slightly rather than vaulting directly off a clean edge because it helps the blade grip the ice on the takeoff. That's an acceptable technique as long as the skid is not so great that it makes the skater pre rotate or do what I just did, jump off the back of the blade. 

«I'm sorry, there is a lot going on at home today. I'll get my head in the game, I promise» I say, and she skates over to give me a hug «what's going on at home?» She asks and I bite my lip. It's not like it's a secret that a new girl is joining our family, but I feel weird talking about it. 

«My parents picked up a girl named Elena today, she is 11 years old and is going to be living with us. Currently she is in foster care, but they are going to adopt her if she is a good fit. I knew they wanted to adopt, but I thought they would pick a baby or a toddler, not someone that's four years younger than me. I will meet her when I get home» in all honesty I'm not exited to meet her. It sounds horrible, she has probably been through a lot and wants a family, but it's weird to have a new sister. It's been me alone for years, and then the twins came but there are so many years between us that it has never been an issue. But this girl is so close to my age, and I don't know how to handle this. Not to mention that I don't know what kind of baggage she has and how that's going to affect the family dynamic. 

«My sister does emergency foster care placements because she doesn't have children herself. So I know a little about it. It's going to be an adjustment but just keep an open dialogue with your parents, they love you and want you to be heard and comfortable. And I'm always here to talk with too because I care about you. Also, because things that distract you is dangerous when you're on the ice, so we are done jumping for today» she says, and I nod because I don't want to argue with her. i agree I'm way too distracted to jump safely right now. 

«I want you to first work on your three turns then brackets. Then I want you to work on rockers and counters. We will end with working on spread eagles» she says, and I take a mental note before I start with my three turns. 

It was a good idea to ditch the jumps for the rest of practice, the last thing I need is an injury to put me out for the season. This year I'm finally old enough to compete in the ISU Grand Prix of figure skating because the age limit is 15 years and up. I'm on the national team so I got to qualify for the event this year. Last year I was at the equivalent event but the junior one. It's held from late November until February. I don't know which of the Grand Prix I get to attend either because it's up to the coaches of the national team to pick among their athletes. In two weeks, I have a national camp to attend, but I'm lucky because the camps take place right outside the city anyway, so I don't have far to travel. Since I just got age eligible, I am going on invitation basis because I got bronze at the junior world championship last season. I was the highest placing American junior, the two places ahead of me where from Japan and China. 

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