one thing after another

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- taylors pov - 

Christmas came and went quickly and now we are in the New Years. Joe and I took a few days off during the holidays, but now we are back to work while Lilly is back at school. 

I'm having lunch with Patrick in my office because he wanted to come talk with me on his day off from classes. He isn't usually someone that comes around and asks to see me alone because he has something important to talk about, so of course I took time out of my day to meet with him. He brought sushi with him which gives him bonus points too. 

«I need to talk to you about something. You know how I was... with that guy?» He says nervously. 

It's been a while since I saw him kissing a boy on my way too work, but I've kept it to myself. Eventually he came to me and told me because he needed to talk to someone, but I haven't told anyone else. It's not my news to share with anyone, he can share it when he is ready to and if he wants to. The last thing I want to do is force someone out of the closet. 

I nod to let him continue «he... he asked me to be his boyfriend a while ago. And things were going really well. So I met his parents, and they are Wonderfull. We had a fight after that about me not coming out to my parents because he is sick of hiding. It pissed me off because he has been out of the closet since high school while I've struggled to figure out if I like boys or girls. He let it go for a while because I promised to talk to my parents when I was ready. Well... yesterday I sat down with my parents and told them» 

«I don't want to say anything wrong, because I don't know what's the right thing to say. But I'm proud of you for deciding what you want to do, that you wanted to tell someone. It's totally your choice when and if you want to talk about your sexuality though, and I've told you that before. So I just don't want to say anything wrong» I play with my fingers. 

I've had gay friends all through school, it's not a big deal, but when its family I don't want to say something that's wrong. The last thing I would want to do is pressure Patrick or offend him in any way. I'm just going to be there for him in whatever way he needs me to be. 

«You're not saying anything wrong, just the fact that you care enough to think about what you're saying means a lot. And my parents were shocked, so I was waiting for the whole get the fuck out of our house and never talk to us again speech. But my mom smiled, and my dad gave me a hug. They both told me that they are proud of me for coming out if that's truly who I feel like I am. So naturally I broke down and asked if that means they are accepting me, and they were shocked I thought they were going to disown me over this. They told me that they are sorry if I felt like it was hard to tell them, but that they are happy for me as long as I'm happy. My mom gave me the whole its 2022 and you should be able to love who you love speech» he says. 

The look on his face shows that he is genuinely relieved from their conversation. I can't imagine how nervous he was because I've never had to have that conversation. I've always been interested in boys my whole life, so I've never had to question my sexuality.

I did kiss a girl once, but it was during a game of truth or dare where it was either take a shot of vodka or kiss my ex-friend Karlie. To be exact it was my backstabbing friend Karlie that went behind my back and was sleeping with my high school boyfriend drew for months while pretending to be my friend. She even defended herself when I found out that it was only fair that she was sleeping with him because I was a prude who wouldn't sleep with him because I wasn't ready to give up my virginity. We were 15 years old for god's sake, but she thought she was in the right. Needs to say I ended our friendship and broke up with drew. backstabbing Karlie and cheating drew where exiled the second I found out. Funny enough drew didn't want anything to do with Karlie afterwards because he wasn't interested in a relationship with quote on quote «someone like her» which I thought was funny. Then he tried to get me back, but I would rather roll-on broken glass than take him back. Fool me once shame on you but fool me twice shame on me. I might have only been 15 years old, but I wasn't stupid. Last time I heard anything about either one of them where at a reunion a few years ago. Drew moved to jersey and had a longtime girlfriend that he knocked up while Karlie is sleeping around with anyone with a pulse apperently. Didn't talk to either one of them but it wasn't hard to overheard gossip during that evening. We might be adults, but some people never left their gossiping tendencies behind in highschooler. 

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