Chapter-2: Diplomacy

Start from the beginning

Timeskip: (2 Days) [Friesholan - Qua-Toyne bilateral talk, Conference room, Port City of Maihark. Lobelia Compound]

Here we can see a hastily prepared conference room with foreign representatives from Friesholan and representatives from Qua-Toyne and the Prime Minister.

One of the Friesholanese Ambassadors is named Dennis Williamson, he's a man with a lanky build and wears a business suit and glasses, with him are two other colleagues from the Department of Foreign Affairs.

"This shall mark the first bilateral talks between Qua-Toyne and the country of Friesholan, you may begin ambassador." The Foreign minister announced.

"Well then, together with expressing our gratitude for preparing such a location for us to hold bilateral meetings at such a time so quickly we like to officially commend you and issue you a thank you." Williamson began.

"For our country's reconnaissance aircraft that violated your airspace, we'd like to extend our deepest apology for the trouble we've caused you and your people." As Williamson continued his sentence.

"We officially accept your apology, but more importantly we would like to inquire more about your nation." Said the Qua-Toyonese Prime Minister.

"But of course Prime Minister, we'd be glad to answer any questions in regards to our nation." Said Williamson with a sincere smile.

"You are right Mister Prime Minister, misunderstandings arising from dubious and non-factual information will be a detriment for both sides, and as such my delegation have prepared reading materials for each minister to read." Williamson said as he gestured to the stacks of papers besides one of his colleagues. 

"Johnathan, please distribute the reading materials." Said Williamson.

"Yes sir." Came the reply of the man as he distributed the reading materials to the Qua-Toynese delegation.

"We can't read this!" A cry from one of the Qua-Toyonese representatives.

"Ah!" Shouted Williamson in surprise.

"But you are talking in 'English', the most commonly used language in Friesholan. But for the words, you're reading it for the first time?"

"Well laddie, from our point of view you are speaking in the common language of this world." Said Foreign Minister.

Clearing his throat Williamson then began. "Friesholan is a country located at least 1000 kilometers Northeast from your country, 505,990 kilometers in land mass size, and a population of two hundred million living in our very own continent." He said as one of his colleagues brought out a map of the nation.

(Not to scale, this would be just an example)

"How preposterous I have never heard of any country in the northeastern sea!" Outburst the foreign minister

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"How preposterous I have never heard of any country in the northeastern sea!" Outburst the foreign minister.

"Calm down Yancey, ambassador I surmise you do have a reason?" Asked the PM.

"Yes Prime Minister, although the cause of this phenomenon is still unclear, I mean it's plausible that we've been transported to this world altogether with our nation." Williamson said as he took off his glasses.

"You know, you gentlemen might be headed into troubled waters. Cause you see you gentlemen came out of nowhere and you are talking on the basis of fairy tales, are you going to spread misinformation and fictional stories around the Rodenius continent?" Asked the foreign minister.

"Please be rest assured Mr. Foreign minister, my government has no intention of spreading non factual information when we just arrived in this world." Replied Williamson with a resolute tone.

"Oh and additionally Mr. Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, we have the intention of inviting envoys from your country to the Friesholanese mainland, does this cause any issues on your side?" Williamson asked.

"No It's fine, we'd be happy to send some of our envoys there, but please provide a ship since our ocean liner that travels to the Philades continent has yet to return from its 9 day ocean crossing." Replied the Qua-Toynese Prime Minister, as the other representatives from Qua-Toyne had mixed reactions from surprised and most of all, keenly interested.

"Of course, we shall provide the delegation some form of transportation to the mainland." Replied Williamson with a sincere smile.

[Qua-Toyne PM thought POV]

The Qua-Toyonese Prime Minister has a lot of things on his mind regarding this new nation.

"The way of speech of these representatives from Friesholan are quite sincere, professional, polite, and civilized. What interesting people." He started his thought process.

"Moreover, possessing such a large aircraft and a large warship whilst not making any threats or acting aggressively... Makes me wonder what kind of cities, people, and culture they have." He continued.

"We must know it and befriend them for the sake of Qua-Toyne and its people and that of the Rodenius continent!" He said with a lot of enthusiasm.

Timeskip: A few days later [Port City of Maihark, pier number 2]

Here we can see the delegates being sent to the Friesholanese mainland and along with them were their baggage, belongings, personal effects... One of them is a young representative from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Hehe to only take 2 days to arrive at Friesholan is truly unbelievable." He chuckled with a wide smile on his face 

- End of Chapter-2-

Next Chapter; Chapter-3: (Delegation)

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