No goodnight kiss?

"Be quiet," I growl, my pursed lips tightening as I stare at her empty spot of the bed. She should be here— but she wasn't. And I had looked everywhere else.

Where is she?

Such agitation. There is so much that I can practically taste it.

I hiss when he speaks again, his voice cutting through the darkness of my mind. His voice is full of pleasure— of seeing me like this.

Maybe she lost her love for you.

"We both know that isn't true." I say, words dripping ice. "She's missing."

I whip around. I had to get ahold of Jimin— whoever. Before the clock struck and I'd be forced back inside, helpless to do a single thing with him taken over my body.

Ten seconds.

I curse at his silken reminder.

Damn it.

Turning on my heel, I break into a run. The wind breaks— I can feel it, before I'm standing in front of his closed door. I don't knock.

I don't have the time.


Too late.

And my hand is no longer mine.


I hated this feeling.

"Open the door," I hiss.

I can hear my words, but I know no one else can hear them. Not when I was like this. It echoes off the dark expanse of the walls, the walls that don't exist but in the maze of my mind.

V takes his hand off the doorknob.

I can find her.


The anger runs through me, like blood. The chains grind against one another as I pull, unable to keep down the fury slowly burning. It tears at me, and at the limits of my control.

"How will you find her? It's winter. She could be out there in the snow, and—"


His voice is mocking. And I barely keep myself from going mad with the anger, the helplessness with my body taken over by another.

Go to sleep, Kim Taehyung.


"Just tell me you have no idea where she is."

A half hour had passed. Now it's deep into the night, the skies dark and the moonlight gleaming a cold silver. V remains silent, but did he not understand I could feel everything that he was feeling?

I can feel his frustration. The worry.

His eyes sweep across the snow, voice tense. I can feel his pride, clashing with the anxiety. Rinei is missing. He had searched, in places that even I couldn't have gotten to.

There's a heavy sigh. The worry has won.

Find her.


Use me.

"Use you." I repeat, tone flattened. There's an unmistakable edge to my voice.

ELVEN | K.THDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora