𝘚𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘔𝘦

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⚠️Warning: Acts Of Sexual Assault⚠️

The Next Day

Ryujin's P.O.V

I'm not one to complain, and I know complaining is something I should be one to do.

I've got a lot to worry about, and sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to have someone I trust, admire, maybe even love, if I'm even capable of that. Someone to complain to and tell them all my frustrations and wishes, I would love that, to have someone like that.

My sleepy self couldn't bring myself to get out of bed, even if it was the first day of school, I still really wanted to study criminology, I really really want to deal with bastards and bitches that think they can live life the way they do, the way my parents did, consuming unhealthy and illegal substances, and abusing their child, their daughter.

However, I can't find the strength to do it.

Yesterday seemed unbelievably unreal, a rich man named Choi Beomgyu made a suspicious yet pleasant offer, I wasn't very keen to accept since the least thing I could do for myself was exclude myself with anyone with those kind of intentions. 

Rolling out of bed, I make my sore, tired body walk all the way to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I really considered just going looking like this, I didn't really care about the heavy bags under my eyes, or the way my skin looked dull and sucked from it's natural colour that it probably once had.

But after being beaten down mentally and physically, I don't think my body was able to keep up with its internal jobs. All I felt like doing to myself was taking a nice shower, and I almost contemplate if it's fine, I don't think the rent will increase if I take a long deserved shower.

Until I remembered the smug look on my land lord's face whenever she told me rent increased.

I don't think she likes me, it's probably because of the attention I get, she's an old lady that's jealous of my body and face, I'm not sure if I've mentioned this but I get many request from older men or perverted men my age that ask for my number or try to drug me so that they can do as they would with me.

However, I grew up dodging these kind of adults.

I grew up running away from the men and women brought by my parents.


10 year old Ryujin's P.O.V

I think she's passed out again, I'm not really sure because her not being passed out and being passed out are the same things.

But I prefer when she's passed out alone.

Dad's been out for a week, that's what he usually does but I get worried every time. Worried that he might come back again, back angrier, scarier, I don't know anymore. I wished mom left the house more, she's the one who yells at me and acknowledges me the most.

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