Prologue <3

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Hateno has always been my home. I grew up here, running through the streets with my arms outstretched. The other kids in the village played with me all day. We would swim in the river, trying to be like animals and catch fish with our bear hands. Or teeth. One kid actually got a fish with his teeth. Hide and seek was always fun, if we were really quiet we could climb onto roofs. The old lady from the inn would come out and shoo us down if she heard us.

We would laugh and play all day, sometimes there was a traveler who would wander through. Each time, all of us were falling over one another to talk to them. Listening to tales of people from Death Mountain, visiting the Gorons in such a hot place. Or people coming from the Rito's area, Rito people were always amazing to see. Gerudo women were beautiful and strong, looking to marry men who paled in comparison to their awesomeness. They told us stories about the hot desert, and sand storms that would leave you confused for days. People who came from the Zora's raved about how beautiful their palace was and how pretty the princess was.

Each story made my heart grow and yearn to be out in Hyrule, adventuring everywhere. I wanted to travel so bad. I would often daydream about roaming Hyrule, not so much as a horse with me. I wanted to scale mountains, dive off of cliffs and swim the oceans. I wished to speak with everyone in their home towns and exist alongside others. The most magnificent place I wanted to see was the Castle and the lively Castle town. I wanted to lay in the soft grass of Hyrule field and examine the magma rocks in Eldin. I wanted to leave this tiny village and roam the world.

As an 11-year-old however, you cannot travel too far. My horse Sky and I were allowed to wander the area, but not too far where I couldn't see the village. I tried many times, but as soon as mother and father couldn't see me they would stir up a fuss. They always assumed the worst and gave me the same lecture each time. "(Y/n)! It's dangerous to be out there without an adult. You're too young to hold a weapon if any monsters come near you." Monsters... there haven't been any for ages.

Then one day, a peculiar traveler came through. He was my age, and the rest of the children were amazed. He rode through on an elegant horse, a cloak wrapped around his shoulders. He had a sword strapped to his back and a shield. His long blonde hair was tied in a ponytail. His striking blue eyes took my breath away. I knew not to rush at him and the horse, lest she startled, but I wanted to say hello.

I did what any other starstruck kid would and rushed to my home. My mom asked what I was doing, and before I could answer I jumped on my horse. "Sky, we have to go meet him and you have to be best friends with his horse." I whispered to her, we rushed into the town square where the boy was surrounded by my group. He looked startled and embarrassed. "Move!" I yelled, pushing Sky through the crowd. "Where to?" I asked with a smile. "I'm (Y/n), and this is Sky! We're experts of this town." The boy locked eyes with me and seemed to relax. "Link. I'm actually looking for a place to put Epona here for the night." My eyes widened. "She can come with me! I have a stable and Sky is very docile with other horses. Come on!" Link was hesitant, but followed the pushy girl to her home. The rest of the children stared in awe.

Link and I crossed the bridge to my house, which was a bit separated from the town. I hopped off of Sky and led her into the fenced in field. There was a double stable at the end of the field beside our house, and I showed Link where to put her. "Thank you for your kindness, we'll get settled in for the night." He said softly. "Are you planning on sleeping out here?" I asked incredulously. Link looked at me confused. "Yeah."
"You're small enough, you can sleep inside with me! A sleepover! I have them all the time! I'm sure my mom and dad wouldn't mind." (Y/n) grabbed Link by the arm and pulled him inside before he could protest.

My parents greeted him warmly, and we sat down to have a family dinner. Link ate as though he hadn't in weeks, neither of my parents said anything. They were just happy to feed a child who enjoyed food. We made my bed beside Link's. He took the bed, and I would take the floor. Link protested but my parents insisted. That night we talked about everything. Link told me about his travels all over Hyrule. His father was a part of the royal knights, and was sent on a very important quest that led to Hateno. Link himself planned on becoming a knight. "Why are you here with your father?" I asked. Link shrugged. "I dunno, I was just called." I decided not to press any further, and begged for Link to send me letters of his travels. He obliged and the next morning I awoke to him gone. I was quite sad, as I thought maybe he would stay.

Then, a few weeks later a letter came.

He communicated to me through letters, always sending them to me from far away places. He would come back to Hateno to visit with me, but always leave before I awoke. We talked about his adventures and how he was still searching for something. I was 16 when he returned to me with a beautiful sword strapped to his back. He was 18. Link told me he was going to the castle to visit the princess. "I must stop the Calamity. This is the Sword the Seals the darkness." And, Link vanished once again. Soon after, waves of gossip spread like wildfire about a new knight appointed to the princess. A new letter arrived to me soon after.

"I wish you would accompany me to the castle."

Those were the first words written, and yet a royal seal was stamped on the front. I showed the letter to my parents in shock, and we packed for me to move to the castle immediately. I climbed onto the back of Sky and rode for a day. When I arrived I presented the letter. The guards let me in and I was Link's honorary visitor. He welcomed me with open arms and stated he wanted to get to know me more. He apologized for keeping everything a secret, but it was for his and the princess' safety. I was nervous to meet her.

When I did meet Zelda, she was extremely down to earth and kind. She seemed... upset that Link was here. The passing servants said it was because she was nervous about herself. He was a living testimony to her failures.

Link and I began dating at 17 and 19.

Every moment together was spent wrapped in each other's embrace. Kissing and holding one another close, the fighting was getting more prominent. Each day Link could loose his life. He was learning how the sword worked and how to bond with it. I was learning how to cope with a boyfriend who went away every few days and returned months later with new scars. Each time he returned, he would flinch at my touch if I prodded the wrong areas. Peeling his shirt away I found new scars. "Mipha will heal me again." Link would always say, but I sat him down and wrapped his wounds. I made sure to litter them in kisses, love always healed the fastest.

Then, one day, a week before my birthday Link told me to pack my things. We were going on a trip. It took us three days, and some climbing. He told me we were going to Lurelin. A vacationing spot to swim in the beautiful seas and catch plenty of fish together. However, he wanted to stop by Tuft Mountain and watch the sunrise. Link went first, holding my hand and guiding me every step of the way to the summit. The sun was just about to break free of the earths grasp, and Link stood behind me as we watched the breathtaking sunrise.

I clutched his hand, leaning into him. "I love this." I whispered and kissed his cheek. "And I love you." Link smiled and stared for a few moments more. "Actually, I have one more surprise. Come on." He whispered in my ear and pulled me by the hand. I followed him down and around. He instructed me to close my eyes and he would lead the way. I did as he asked and followed him. Finally, Link positioned me just right. "Okay, now." I opened my eyes and gasped. Lovers pond. He had brought me here. I was always gushing about how we needed to come, especially since it was said only soulmates found their way here. The flowers dancing around the pond were gorgeous, we were at the end of the heart.

I turned around to say something to Link, but my words were gone.

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