Battle of Beacon

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The following is a fan-based story, all plots, concepts, themes, and characters are owned by their respective creators. I acknowledge that without the series; RWBY, Fairy Tail and Dragon Ball my story would not exist. Please support the creators of these shows by watching any or all of the original series.

Terrified citizens ran from the horde of Grimm that invaded Vale. While others hid inside the food stands. Several Atlesian robots had been deployed to the area, but their efforts were futile. The sheer amount of Grimm proved to be too much for even Atlas' advanced technology. Blake and Weiss, who had taken their time off to rest, ran onto the horrifying scene

They stopped in the tracks to take in all the destruction caused by the invasion of the countless numbers of Grimm. Some lay dead on the floor, while others continued to terrorise the screaming citizens

Weiss: I don't believe this

Blake looked down then pulled out her scroll to call Yang

Blake: Yang, are you okay?

Yang ran through the corridors with Dakkon right behind her. Yang held her scroll up to her face so she could respond

Yang: I'm fine. Is Ruby with you? She's not answering her scroll

Blake (over call): no, she isn't

Yang stopped in her tracks, her already worried face filling with dread

Blake (over call): Yang I'm sure she's fine. She's our leader, she can take care of herself

Yang closed her eyes and looked down. Dakkon placed a hand on her shoulder and Yang looked into Dakkon's eyes

Dakkon: Blake's right. Even if things get a bit too much, the rest of my team is with her, not to mention Erza and the old man

Yang clenched her fist

Yang: right

Yang and Dakkon continued running down the hallway to reach the chaos outside. Back in the destroyed ruins of the food stands, Blake looked down at the still active call on her scroll

Weiss: this can't be happening

Blake looked over at Weiss as she continued

Weiss: Penny...

Both Weiss and Blake looked down, both saddened at their friend's recent death. Yang's voice through the scroll interrupted their mourning thoughts

Yang (over call): we're heading to the docks near the courtyard. White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!

Blake: the White Fang is here?!

Blake's scroll gave no answer and instead was replaced with heavy static

Blake: Yang! Dakkon!

Yang (over call): gotta go! Be careful

The call ended, and Blake was left to ponder the new information she had received. Grimm continued to run amok behind and around them

Weiss: Blake, what are we going to do?

Blake raised her scroll again and began moving the screen around

Blake: we're going to the docks, and we're doing our job

Blake's locker containing Gambol Shroud landed behind her and Blake looked over to it as it opened. Weiss looked at Blake, then nodded her head. Back over at Amity Colosseum, the Nevermore hadn't let up attempting to break the dome. The crowd members were still evacuating, and Ruby was still on her knees, crying over the death of her dear friend

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