Chapter 18: Genie in a Bottle

Start from the beginning

"I think we can make an....arrangement but he'll have to stay with me." My/his parents cower and my mother speaks.

"Please don't take my baby. We just want to save his from this...evil...inside him." Jarek's eyes glow as his teeth elongate.

"Oh, I'm not going to suppress it. I'm going to show him how to embrace it." Mother shakes in fear but manages to speak.

"No, I won't do it. I won't let you make him more evil. You were supposed to be able to help..." Jarek leans forward and wraps his hand around her throat as he speaks.

"Do you remember what happens to Nightmare Breeds? Do you? If you leave them without someone to master them? They will execute him because I'll turn him in....or..." Tears stream down her face as she nods and Jarek lets her go, shoving her back. Father never says a word as they both turn and leave. Neither of them looks back as they shut the door behind them but I/we don't cry.

I/we push my thoughts of them down into that empty place inside me/us, where all the sadness goes. Then I/we turn and face Jarek, my/our new master. Because by giving me/us up my parents have essentially gave Jarek control over me/us and unless someone willing accepts me/us for who I am I would have to do whatever Jarek tells me to. Because the Nightmare Breed always had to have a keeper to keep an eye on them. It is their curse. I/we stumble as Jarek grabs me/us and shoves me/us into a small cage in the corner of the room. Then he turns off the light and walks out of the room. I/us will always be alone, in the dark, with the fear as my/our only companion.




I come back to myself to see that Phelan had flung himself backwards as if burned. His eyes meet mine and I see recognition in his eyes. He'd meant for me to see that. I look down, remembering my necklace, my necklace with a knife inside. Sighing I shift to get as comfortable as I can with my hands chained above me and I recall the message Cara had insisted I memorize.

'Just because he is in the dark it doesn't means he's bad. He's just a little lost.' I raise my eyes back to Phelan as I speak.

"Luke and Gabe are going to be so pissed." Phelan looks at me in puzzlement, not understanding what I mean.

"Earlier today I made a new decree as Queen of the leopards, I will not turn anyone away that wishes to join my clan whether they are leopard or not, whether they are whole or not." He still doesn't speak as he tries to understand what I'm saying. When he grasps what I'm saying he interrupts me, his eyes filled with regret.

"You should know something before you continue with that offer. Because of what I am I can't break out of any deals I've already made. Kade can still trade places with Liam but my....demon....will force me to carry out the bargain whether I wish to or not. I tried to give them as much time as I could." He shifts away from me and walks to the door, I'm assuming to make sure Jarek hasn't come back. When he looks back at me from the doorway, his eyes are filled with wariness as he waits for me to speak. I tell from his posture that he thinks I'm going to reject him but he doesn't know me very well.

"Phelan of the Nightmare Breed if you wish to be of my clan I will accept you as one of mine as long as you swear not to force someone's fear on them unless given permission from me, my mates, Liam, or Ash." I pause and lick my lips. "No past bargain you fulfill will be held against you." Surprise causes his eyes to widen as he walks over to me and kneels down so he can look me in the eye. His grey eyes are filled with disbelief and....hope.

"My Queen, I will do whatever you wish of me just please, when you escape take me with you." I smile at the fact that he seems to know I'm going to escape. Of course, I have escaped him before. I have a sudden thought and close my eyes as I hold up a finger for Phelan to give me a moment. Jarek had silenced my bonds to my mates and my people but what about my babies? I try once more to connect with my mates or my people but as I visualize the bond it's like it is coated in oil and my hands just keep sliding off when I pull on it. Biting my lip, I visualize my bond with the babies and I see six bonds bright and glowing, without anything coating it. Placing my hands on it I speak.

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