Ashlyn x Tyler - Short

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This is where the weird ships come in  el oh el

God am I gonna get so flamed 😍😍😏😏

They're datign here btw 





Tyler wouldn't be lying if he said he thought it was funny how small Ashlyn was.

She wasn't just a bit short, no, no, no. She was literally shorter than his shoulder length, which was both cute and kind of sad (mainly cute though). He liked bothering her about it a lot, usually earning him some harsh words or threats, but it's like being barked at by a little chihuahua. It's so fucking cute.

He'll admit that he could've been.. a little nicer to her, in some aspects..(it's not his fault that she's the reason they got dragged to the phantom realm!) That's the reason why they both took the longest out of the entire group to get along, before they'd always argue about anything and everything. It was worse with Tyler's limited patience and Ashlyn's quick rebuttals and jabs, ending with the other's having to separate them to cool off, returning to just glaring at each other.

Now, he had her leaning back on his chest while he ran his fingers through her beautiful, wild ginger hair. They were at Ashlyn's house, waiting for the other's to arrive and be able to go over what their next steps would be in the other realm. Both were just on her living room's couch. Tyler made sure to get there earlier to be able to spend some time alone with his girlfriend, Taylor was super happy that he wasn't being much of an ass to the other's anymore so she left him to go alone. Eh, Ben and Aiden will pick her up. 

For now, he was holding her close to him, peppering small kisses around the back of her neck, continuing to comb through her hair. Ashlyn let out a small giggle, rolling her eyes with a grin on her face, reaching her hand up to caress Tyler's cheek from behind her. Well, at least she tried to since he just grabbed her hand and planted a kiss on the back of it, too.

"You're so needy, you big puppy."

Tyler scoffed. "Like you aren't, princess." He ruffled her hair affectionately, earning him a surprised yelp from the girl as she tried pushing  him away, both bursting into fits of laughter and giggles, just relishing in the moments they were having together. Ashlyn, who was now being absolutely suffocated from Tyler laying on her, gently cupped the sides of his face, slowly bringing him up. She twirled the tips of his hair a bit, looking directly into his rich, chocolate colored eyes shining so nicely in the dim light. She swears she could get lost so easily from staring at them, though she wouldn't really be opposed to that. 

Her small bit of absence from reality was broken when she realized that Tyler was gently pulling her forward, tilting her head in the process as his eyes fluttered shut. Blush rushed onto her pale cheeks as she wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing the two close for a soft kiss.





I like rarepairs lol

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