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"I don't have a clue, okay?" Tyler sighed. "I've looked all over that damn school and I heard no whispering, no nothing."

Avery rolled her eyes glancing up from her phone to look at her brother. "Can you do nothing without me?" She sighed.

"Maybe we should all look," Kinsey suggested. Avery shot her a look that felt too much like a glare. She shouldn't have been angry at her sister for refusing to take sides about the whole cave fiasco, but it made her feel bitter when her friends and her sister were constantly having fun without her. It felt like Kinsey was choosing the Savini's over Avery.

"But it's Saturday?" Bode said. "You can't go to school today."

"Actually," Tyler said, "Chase owes me a favour, and he has the spare keys."

"Let's go today." Kinsey settled, "It'll be empty, so if the key is there, it should be easier to find."

"Someone needs to stay with Uncle Dunc." Avery said. Their Uncle hadn't been coping with all the jumbled memories and new revelations Kinsey and Tyler had somehow put back into his head. He had been constantly working in the garage, avoiding his family and refusing to talk. From what they knew, magic had been come back to him in random flashes- random pieces of a puzzle that didn't quite add up.

"But mom's home," Bode said.

Avery sighed, "Yeah, but mom doesn't know about magic, so what happens if he has flashbacks and starts freaking out and she doesn't know what's going on?"

"Good point," Kinsey added,

Tyler rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll go with Bode and Chase- you and Kinsey stay home. If we find nothing, you guys go look, okay?"

Avery shot a glance towards her sister. "Fine."

"Someone's at the door."

Avery closed her book. "Okay?" She asked, a bitter edge to her voice.

"That means I'm getting it then?" Kinsey sighed, leaving the winter study.

The chatter in the hall piqued Avery's curiosity, and she decided to set down her book and go and see who it was for herself.

Kinsey was stood in the doorway and standing on the porch were Gabe and...Scot. Who probably hated her guts at the moment.

"Have you guys carpooled or something?" Avery heard her sister laugh.

Gabe shook his head, glancing at Scot, "No, I guess we just had the same idea."

Scot nodded, "It gets weirder." The two of them held up crumpled paper bags, Scot's from Bill's chowder and Gabe's from Phil's.

Avery bit back a grin. "When I said I could live on Phil's chowder, I didn't mean literally, Gabe. This is what- the second day you've brought it?"

"Oh my goodness!" Avery turned to see Nina coming down the stairs, hair messy and eyes wide. Avery knew she'd been drinking. "The cavalry has arrived!" Her intoxicated smile only further proved Avery's suspicions correct.

"Hi, I'm Nina," She smiled to Scot, and Avery budged over to let her shake his hand.

Scot smiled politely, "I'm Scot, it's so nice to meet you."

She turned to Gabe, still grinning like a madwoman, "Hi, Gabe." Nina smoothed out her hair. "So, I'm guessing I have you two to blame for the fact I hardly see my daughters anymore."

The two boys chuckled awkwardly, "Maybe?" Scot forced a smile. He hadn't even spared Avery a glance.

Nina let out a dramatic laugh that sounded far more like a cackle. "I'm joking!" She grinned, "I'm thrilled that you guys are forming relationships."

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