626 - A World Without Danger

Start from the beginning

Aelita: Those hands have targets! 

William: Targets on the back of its hands, huh?

Bloom: Well, we have to destroy them!

Aelita: It won't be so easy. Stay sharp!

XANA: You should never have come across that Supercalculator in the old factory! Now, you just met your doom! TAKE THIS!!!

The hands actually had cannons. Those shooted explosive shots. The warriors moved out. Bloom shooted one of the hand, but wasn't able to deal much damage.

Laura: That thing has a lot of health! You're gonna have to hit it harder than that!

William: What arm did you hit?

Bloom: The bottom right!

William: Let's focus our attacks on the same one, at once!

XANA kept shooting its bombs. Aelita aimed at the first main target. She shooted her Energy Field, dealing damage, but still not enough. Back with the others, they went to the door, but when it opened, there were some Mutant Kankrelats.

 Back with the others, they went to the door, but when it opened, there were some Mutant Kankrelats

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Odd: Wow! This place is supposed to be detonated?

Yumi: Kankrelats! I HATE this things!!!

Yumi threw her fans, and guided them with Telekenisies. This blasted through all of the Kankrelats. The boys watched as Yumi unleashed her fury on the Kankrelats.

Yumi: I had enough of this things.(heads ahead) You two coming?

Ulrich and Odd: Sir, yes sir!


Aelita, William and Bloom were avoing the bombs that the monster was sending them. The arms kept moving, so they started to fire at all targets. However, Bloom noticed that the botom rigth arm stopped moving.

Bloom: Hmm... First roof of a bomb launcher, never keep the launcher still! FIRE ARPOON!!!(destroys the arm)


Aelita: It's working! 

XANA: GRAWRGH!!! Blah! You think that just one less arm is going to give you more hopes?! You forgot that we're in the middle of a volcano?!

Bloom: I think you're the one who forgot that neother fire or lava can hurt me!

XANA: Oh i remember that to well. But... What if... i used the flames the same way i used those vines?

Bloom: GASP!!!

XANA: Bloom, you have served me twice. This time, you will be mine, FOREVER!!!

As XANA chargen a power up flame to control Bloom, something came in, and slaashed the Magma Worm's middle left arm, destroying it.

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