"And yet it was not enough. I'm only reminded as the only creature stepping out of the forth lore. Illuvatar wanted an army. He got me instead. A woman with no home, no friends and no longer a purpose, because I have failed him. "

"Stop that!", Ivasaar's voice raised slightly. His eyes narrowed with discontent. Shocked Andy flinched back. Ivasaar never loses emotional balance. He grabbed her hands, holding them tight. "You have to stop that. You, Andrea Baggins, former Lady Fayeth, protector of the races of Arda, the Midnight Hood are the most amazing person in whole Arda. Even Illuvatar would agree with me! You are a fighter, a survivor! You did not give up on anyone; no matter how deep they have ever sunken. You are beautiful in all your forms; you are a blooming flower and a raging storm. You help the ones in need, starting with the simple folk. If one once earned your loyalty or your love, nothing can stop you from protecting them. You destroy the evil in our world part by part, making it safer for the next generations. You are a walking miracle that will never stop surprising everyone. "

Andy stared at him with lack of words. A single tear rolled out of the corner of her eye. Softly Ivasaar whipped it away, his hand lingering on her cheek a moment longer.

"You're right", she whispers, her voice gaining strength again, the fire in her eyes reignited. "I don't give up on people. "

"There you are", Ivasaar smiled down on her, glad his friend got ahold of herself again. "Now, tell me if I am wrong, but the company of Oakenshield has earned your loyalty. "

"Indeed, it seems so. Even though they did not really deserve it", Andy agreed with a frown on her face.

"Even though they are not all welcoming towards you, you seem to see something beneath the surface. So why do you let anybody say otherwise?"

Andy's thoughts trailed of for a second, thinking about his words. As a beam of light broke through the leaves and stroked her face, she looked up into the sky.

"It's dawn", she muttered.

"Indeed, it is", Ivasaar confirmed, also looking up.

"They left already."

He gave her a side glaze. "And what are you going to do now?", he asked her. Andy jumped up and turned to him.

"Even though, I have at least four hundred questions to you- like, from where you really know me-, I have to leave now. We will have to talk another time. Thank you very much for your help. Na lû e-govaned vîn, mellon nin. " [Until next we meet, my friend]

Andrea took off in a run, rushing to her room. Quickly she gathered all her things and swung her back over her shoulder. She hurried down the halls, always looking back over her shoulder. No one was awake yet, and she wanted to leave before anyone could see her. After passing the gates to Rivendell, Andy started to gain speed until she was running after the company. And to gain more speed, she transformed.

Her Hobbit clothes now sat tighter around her body; the trousers ending just above her knees, hugging her curves. The skirt she wore over it, reached to about mid-thigh. Her white shirt left her abdomen bare. In her Hobbit form, the bishop-cut sleeves were a little too long; now, they ended just past her elbows. Her hair, that almost reached her bottom, now hardly reached past her shoulder blades. Her special cape laid on her shoulders. She always pulled the hood up, to cover her pointy ears and the small horns on top of her head. Aulë once assumed that they would grow with time, but they never did. Andy was glad for it, though. Like that, they were eazier to hide. Her eyes were their natural yellow that reflected the gentle beams of sunlight, making them almost look transparent. In her mouth, she had little fangs that showed every time she spoke or smiled.

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