chapter 4

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DEDICATED Tshikhashar

Kenya looked at her pupils as they colored their work. She went through each and everyone of them just to make sure that they didn't color their items wrongly. They had to learn how to do it and not just that, they had to do perfectly. That's what earned marks and that's what she wanted them to know. Also it was one way of teaching kids the colors. First, she had to give them a name of an item like fruit for example, then she would teach them the color of the fruit and make sure they got it.

She even went to an extra mile of coming with the said fruits and showing them. It helped the kids understand more and when it came to the assignment, she gave them the color and watched them color it into the right color. It was great seeing her students understand more and more each day. It was also great to know that she was the reason as to why her kids were growing up with such knowledge.

People didn't get it but Kenya did. She understood that helping others is way better than waiting for others to help you. And she was helping to grow the minds of her kids each single day. She couldn't wait to grow old and meet them when they are her age and say hello to her. That's was one way of being a teacher. Being proud of kids that aren't even yours and loving them more than anything else.

But did she love them more than Hunter?

Of course not, nothing or no once could ever take his place. He was the love of her life. The man that she had waited for eight years. She loved him that much that she turned more men when they approached her. Especially in university. Then again, things weren't different at the moment. Guys still hit on her despite her growing older. She thought it would end after campus life but it still happened. They still wanted to be in a relationship with her. Some were even waiting for more than five years.

To them, they're waiting till Hunter broke her heart and they'd be there waiting for her. Waiting to comfort her and also be in a relationship with her. But Kenya assured them that nothing like that would happen. After all, it was till death did them apart. Her and Hunter. It was only death that would come between them and so far it wasn't planning to do that to them. Not to them.

Kenya bend down to look at Sasha's work and was she good. The kid had an IQ that wasn't even for her age. She was smarter than her age and a time Kenya wanted to sent her off to another grade. She had even thought of talking to her father about it but held back. That would only be depriving the poor kid of a good childhood. She would be there with much grown student who maybe would see her as a small baby with she was.

So with that thought, Kenya refused to say anything to Mr. Orton. He didn't need her putting such crazy ideas in him. It's not like he didn't know how brilliant his daughter was. He knew and he was proud of that. If not, he wouldn't be bringing his kid to school instead of the mother.

Don't blame her for thinking that way, after all it's the bible that talks about a brilliant kid being a pride to their father and a foolish one being a shame to their mother. Plus, most of the students were always dropped off to school either by their mothers or by the nannies who picked them up also after school.

Kenya gave Sasha a thumbs up and moved to the next kid who was great when it came to coloring. He loved it and according to him, he wanted to be a painter when he grows up. A painter she had thought the day that she asked her kids what they wanted to be. Some had chosen their parents career including Sacha but Oscar was among the few who chose different.

Who wanted to be something that his parents weren't and she was proud. Of course their were funny answers that day like one wanted to be a house wife so that she wouldn't need to be tires all day. Kenya wanted to laugh but she held it in. What kind of a teacher could she be if she did that to her students? She talked to her pupils and explained how being a house wife meant being tired more than the ones working out there.

Then their was a wrestler who wanted to be Roman Reigns. According to him, all he had to do was go to gym and then get into a fight. Again she got a thief who would wait for her classmates to get paid at the end of the month and then steal from them with no struggle. That had blown her away but she enquired more on where she got that idea from.

All little Mary say was that she had heard it from her elder brother talking with his friends how fun it would be. He had even given himself a name so that he could use. Kenya asked Mary of she had one herself because kids are smart that way and sure enough, she had it. She wanted to be called Wonder. Wonder because people would wonder why she was doing it. Also they'd wonder how a woman would steal from them and get away with it.

She really had put into thought what her brother had said and considered it very well.

Kenya talked to her kids that day and explained the kind of jobs they could do and could not do. She explained them in the most simplest way she could and by the end of it, she hoped that they understood her very well.

Kenya heard her phone vibrating and she walked away from the old memories and also from Oscar. She picked it up from her desktop and walked outside to pick it up. It was Hunter's best friend who hadn't called for almost three months. They're friends but not best friends and as friends did, they checked up on each other ones in a while. And today happened to be one in a while for him.

"Hey Dan," she spoke once she picked up.

"Hey to you too my Ke," he answered back as jovial as always. "And here I thought you deleted my number."

"And why would I do that to sweet Dan. My sweet Dan." She laughed looking around the corridors. She didn't want to be found out talking on the phone during class time.

"Are you sure you're not in love with me?" He laughed a laugh that any lady fell for, including her best friend. But then again, Nancy fell for anyone. She just needed to see something.

"Of course not," Kenya pulled her phone away to look at the seconds. She had if it went longer two minutes.

"Then your best friend."

"Don't think so," she smiled at the playful way they always are. To be honest, she did miss her good friend.

"Anyway, I was wondering why you weren't at the airport yesterday," that had Kenya confused. Why would she be at the airport. It's not like he had invited her or anything. As for Hunter, he had hours before he came back home. She had even taken a leave for tomorrow since his plane would be landing at five o'clock in the morning. "I thought you'd be there waiting for the love of your life and watch how you guys kiss each other after eight years of celibacy. Despite me offering."

Daniel laughed even louder at his joke but all that Kenya could think of what his words. Hunter was home since yesterday and he didn't call her or inform her. She had even taken leave for tomorrow. She wanted to be there when he landed like she did when he took off. She wanted to run to him. To hold him in her arms. To kiss him as many times as she could. She wanted to do whatever she could once she laid her eyes of him. Maybe like in movies.

But then how could she do that to him if he was already home like Daniel had said a few seconds ago.


She has already forgotten about it. She laughed it off with him and promised that she had been busy when he arrived but had seen each other than night. They talked a little bit more and ended the call but she didn't go back to class at that moment, instead she stayed out there thinking. She felt bad for lying. Kenya was comfortable with it but if Daniel's best friend didn't tell him that he hadn't called her to tell her that their was change of plans, then why should she embarrass her self father?

Like you told Dan, maybe he is planning you surprise you. He might even be on his way right now and Dan just ruined the surprise.

Kenya tried to reason with herself and she loved that thought. With that thought, she took a deep breath and walked back to her students.


Quiz: Has your friend or family member ever ruined a surprise for you and what did you do when it happened?

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